Chapter 1

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A/N: Have fun reading this story! 

6 years ago

Lenny heard his mom and dad fighting in the kitchen.  Something about betrayal. Lenny was calmly watching a movie in his massive living room. He didn't like to hear his mom and dad fighting, so Lenny tried to focus on the movie he was watching. But Sophie and Fitz's voice was so loud, he couldn't concentrate. 

"This was supposed to be our anniversary! We had plans! That you prepared! I can't believe you, Fitz. I thought we were going to make a great family, but you went to Linh's concert instead of celebrating the day we married!" Sophie fumed. 

"I'm sorry, Sophie! But this was the one time Linh was playing in a concert! We will have lots of anniversary! Can't you let it go?" Fitz argued. 

"Well, we won't any anniversaries now!" Sophie glared at Fitz, and left the kitchen. 

Fitz tagged along. "Please! I want to stay with you! I promise it won't happen again! Please! I worked hard to be with you! I thought you liked me!" he babbled. 

"I don't like you anymore!" Sophie picked up Lenny from the couch, and trotted upstairs. 

"Are you leaving me?" Fitz had tears in his eyes. "Please don't leave me!" He cried. 

Sophie ignored him, and went into her room to pack. After 5 hours, Sophie had packed everything that was hers and Lenny's. 

Fitz looked at her. "Please don't go! I promise to be good!" He sniffed. Fitz pleaded for 10 minutes, but Sophie had already made up her mind. 

It was time to go find Keefe. 


"Mommy, where are we going? Where's daddy?" Lenny asked. Sophie was carrying him,  walking on the sidewalk, careful not to drop anything. 

"Don't worry, Lenny. Everything's fine," Sophie assured. She wanted to use her pathfinder to go to Keefe's but Lenny could die if he went with her, so Sophie would have to walk.

"Really?" Lenny asked. He was shivering with cold, but excited where his mom was taking him. 

"Yes. Are you cold?" Sophie wrapped Lenny up in a warm, fuzzy blanket, and held him tighter. Sophie's legs ached from all the walking, but determined to get to Keefe's house and see how delighted he will be when he saw Sophie. 

Lenny fell asleep in Sophie's arm, and the next moment, he felt a warm background. "Mommy?" Lenny asked groggily. He rubbed his eyes and blinked. 

"Yes, Lenny?" Sophie smiled at him. "You awake now?" She put Lenny down on the couch next to someone who had messy blonde hair and smiling teeth. 

Lenny was scared. "Stranger Danger!" He cried. Lenny stumbled off the couch, and ran out of the living room. Sophie heard his tiny, but rapid footsteps through the kitchen. 

"Better go catch him!" She laughed. Sophie ran after Lenny, before he could get lost in Keefe's 200 story house. 

 Lenny got lost somewhere with marble floors and a toilet.  It had velvet curtains and a pleasant smell. Like flowers and rose water. He heard his mom calling him from a far distant. 

"Leeeennnnny!" She yelled. "Come out, or I'll take all your custard bursts!" That made Lenny come out as quickly as possible. 

"I'm coming, I'm coming! Just don't eat my custies!!!" Lenny cried. He found himself back in the living room. "Who are you?" Lenny forgot all about his custard bursts when he saw Keefe again. 

"Honey, don't point," Sophie chuckled. She picked up Lenny, and pointed to Keefe. "That is your future stepdad. He's not mean, okay? He's very fun and nice." 

"You told me not to point. So why did you point?" Lenny asked, frustrated. 

"Yeah," Keefe agreed, He fist bumped Lenny's little hand. "I guess you have to re-teach yourself again, Foster."  

Lenny smiled. "I like my future Steppy!" He climbed out of Sophie, and rested in Keefe's lap. 

Sophie rolled her eyes at Keefe, and corrected Lenny. "It's Stepdad, not steppy," she said. "And I could see you two are going to have very fun together!" 

Keefe ruffled Lenny's brown hair, which he got from Fitz. "I've gotta teach you how to make your hair like mine, Lenny!" Keefe said. 

Everybody laughed, and Lenny had a great evening with his future stepdaddy, Keefe. 

Lennan Sencen Vacker: Son of Sokeefe & SofitzDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora