Vampyre Stories

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Ehehehehe, this used to be a separate story, but I just moved it under here. Nothing new, here. Sorry.

I found myself in a grand foyer. The arched windows had once been magnificent I was sure, but now they were mostly shattered. Through the spiderwebbing cracks in the glass the view of the tangled and overgrown parkland beyond was visible. The marble underfoot was cracked and broken and before me a great curving staircase soared upward. The last thing I remember was running from the masquerade after that girl had been murdered. Some of them were blaming me, I know. I had run because the murder had scared me.
     Suddenly a sound, rising in the cool night air shattered the eerie silence. The sound, I realized, was singing though not very pleasant; The voice reached almost inhuman notes. Overhead I noticed the crystal pendants on the chandelier started rattling: a couple shattered with the ear-piercing voice. Then a dark figure appeared at the top of the stairs, wearing a dark, flowing dress. It was obvious the figure wore heels, by the clacking sound they made when they walked. When they were halfway down the stairs, they stopped walking. I couldn’t place the figure, but they looked oddly familiar. The woman abruptly stopped her strange song and giggled like a schoolgirl, waving her finger at me, like I had disobeyed her in some way.

     “You’ve been a bad girl,” the women's voice was airy, but it rang throughout the room. “No cake for you today.” it was directed at me, I was sure of that as there was no other people in the abandoned house, but she was giggling again, which was slightly creeping me out.

     At that point I did what any normal person did when in a situation like this. I ran. I ran until I came upon a bigger room, this one with a high ceiling, large curtained windows on one side. There was an even grander chandelier in this room. ‘Must be a ballroom of sorts,’ I thought, not daring to speak. I stopped running long enough to get my thoughts in order, sitting near a giant window with velvet curtains.

     ‘This woman seems insane’ my mind whispered, and my mind lingered on the thought that this lady could very well be the murderer. She was there earlier that night at the masquerade when that girl was murdered in cold blood. She had left the event earlier than most others and seemed slightly drunk, but as of now, she was just insane. There was no proof of who the murderer was, and I had a couple guesses of shady people I knew were there when her voice sliced through my thoughts like a bloody knife.

     “Will they sing when they find your body?” I jerked around and saw her standing in the threshold, smiling that creepy smile. At that point I realized where we were: The dining room with a long mahogany table between us. There was a door behind each of us. As I slowly turned and headed for the door behind me, she spoke again with that wispy voice, freezing me in my tracks. “Don’t worry, pet, Mummy’s here” she put her hands to her head as if it hurt. “The wasps, they’re back. All shuddery and twitching. They're just  aching to sting.” The woman bowed her head in her hands and made whimpering sounds. I almost felt bad for her, but my pity faded when she lifted her head. Her face had changed and my blood ran cold. I tried to run the other way, but my legs wouldn’t obey me. Her yellow eyes shined in the half-darkened room. When she smiled that creepy smile again, but this time she had fangs.

     “I’m ready now.” She cocked her head “You’re dancing you know.” she lunged at me with a feral growl. “Dancing with death.” I felt a bright stab of pain in my neck, then there was a tunnel. “Don’t worry, pet. I’ll take care of you now.” Then there was darkness, then nothing.
I remember waking up feeling disoriented, but very much alive.

Sorry its not much

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