Chapter 27

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   Irises have been strewn across my path for days now. Each flower appearing where I least expect it; floating on my bath water, resting beneath my sheets, or descending from the heavens into my hands. My cheeks ache from the joy each flower has summoned up within me. There is little question who these flowers are from, the dark ribbon fastened around each stem bearing his mark. His shadow colored armor reflected in each strand of the ribbons creating an exquisite binding for my growing bouquet which will never wilt.

   He has been watching me, lingering in the shadows just beyond my vision. I'm uncertain of his reasoning for lingering and spying. I would like to say it stems from a place of concern, but Hartema is not in possession of a one-track mind, there is always a secondary or tertiary motive he keeps close to his chest. If we are ever presented with the opportunity to play a card game, I imagine he would be quite the card shark, his strategic mind finding yet another outlet for its gifts.

   "The final challenge should be upon us soon." The open air carries my voice over the edge of my balcony before taking flight in the rising current of heat reflecting off the sand. "I suppose you already have your theories on what this challenge will be."

   My voice drops with the wind, creating a vacuum of silence that consumes me. I can feel the weight of his gaze even through this haze of silence. Perhaps he hopes to convince me of his absence, convince me to feel embarrassment for speaking my thoughts so openly to the wind. No. He isn't unkind like that, nor would he employ such childish methods, his emotional and mental age would have to be brought to question if he were to choose childish antics over direct communication. Lips twitching in amusement, I resign myself to patience. Playing his game is the only effective option and I have nothing but time.

   "Whatever it is, it will not be an easy feat for you." His voice rumbles in my ear like a passionate whisper shared between lovers, his proximity offering little room for negotiation as his voice pins me in place. Chills race across my skin as his lack of physical presence stuns and exhilarates me. His tenor resonating in my bones as I hold myself upright by pressing my palms firmly into the bannister, refusing the sudden weakness in my legs summoned by his voice. "I will expect your best."

   "You're right." I muse, resting my chin in my palm as I cast my gaze adrift, ignoring the feverish burn beneath my skin. "I can't fathom why they continue with these challenges. You are already in possession of the lead, even if I am capable of winning this final challenge it will only result in us needing a tiebreaker."

   "They're becoming desperate. You should prepare yourself for their interference."

   My nails tap against stone as I consider Isis's words, her desperation. There may be some truth to his warning, but I am no longer foolish enough to rely solely on my affection for him and consider that to be equivalent to trust. Hartema has made it blatantly clear that he will do anything and everything within his power to obtain his birthright, a claim we both share, a fact that strains any sense of trust that I can foster towards him. He will attempt to manipulate me. There is little doubt in my mind that he will use such a tactic, the gifted flowers themselves could be the first step to alter my course. 

   I have to trust my instincts. No one will defend me when this challenge is over, Hartema has already expended what little grace he holds, nor will the gods look kindly upon me if I allow myself to be swept up in his motives. As much as it pains me I have to remain neutral to his cause and the dictations of the gods, the only plans I can commit myself to now are my own.

   "You really believe they would manipulate their own game?"

   "These challenges were never the focus." His voice rumbles like thunder, my skin tingling as I imagine the heat of his breath ghosting the shell of my ear. "They are merely a distraction to make you feel as if you have accomplished some great feat, denying the reality where they have stacked the odds in favor of your victory from the beginning."

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