Chapter Six - Dream Catchers

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When Harry told Ron and Hermione about the tutoring with Riddle, they were both worried. Hermione, unusually pale, told Harry to try and not annoy him anymore. Harry stifled a snort. She didn't think Occlumency was wise - what if Dumbledore saw his own death while going through Harry's mind? - and believed that seeing that much of the future would change something.

But things had already changed and Ron agreed. 'You can't avoid his eyes forever, hoping he isn't reading your mind.'

We have many more Wednesdays.

It echoed in his head, as clear as it had been in the moment. Riddle wouldn't let him rest – Harry was his new, shiny puzzle. Eventually, Hermione had agreed.

Things went from nice to prickly in Slytherin House. Harry didn't know when it changed, but seemingly overnight, the atmosphere was frosty. The welcome he had gotten before had vanished. Lucretia no longer smiled and waved at him, Belinda no longer offered her friendship. Avery and Rosier, who disliked him but kept it to themselves, now provoked him.

And when Harry saw Riddle seated on one of the chairs in front of the fire, the green flames flickering against his face, he knew. He had done this.

What was it? A threat? A way to show the power he had?

Harry stared at that enigmatic smile and couldn't find the answer.

Abraxas looked like he was being torn in two at every passing moment.

'I can't - 'he began. 'Harry, if you don't want to be part of anything in the house, I don't know what's going to happen.'

'We can't be friends, you mean?' Harry said.

He glanced over at Alphard Black, who was hunched over a Quidditch magazine. Sirius' favourite uncle, blasted from the tree for leaving him gold.

'What about Alphard? He doesn't look too involved.'

'That's different. Alphard's a pur - 'he stopped.

'A pureblood?'

'A Black. I don't think you have any idea of what that name means. As long as he isn't out killing Slytherins, he can do what he wants. And Tom has Alphard's approval. They get along.'


Not friendship, or whatever other relationships the Slytherins thought they had with Riddle.

'Then he has my approval too,' Harry lied. 'I've said a million times, I don't have a problem with him.'

Abraxas didn't answer. He saw staring at something behind Harry and his white face went almost translucent.

'Let's walk to Herbology then, Harry,' a voice said. 'I'm very glad to have your approval.'

Harry spun around. 'Alright,' he agreed.

He was annoyed at Abraxas, so much that he would rather suffer Riddle alone than have the other boy there. They walked out of the Common Room and up the stone steps.

'You'll have to excuse their behaviour,' Riddle said, when he saw Harry wasn't going to speak. 'They get a little protective.'

'I didn't do anything to you. So why do you need a bunch of guard-dogs?'

'Guard-dogs,' he repeated. 'It is a bit like that, isn't it?'

He shrugged. 'They can't be helped, I'm afraid.'

Yes, they can.

'I don't care if you make the whole house hate me. I'm not playing your stupid games.'

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