Chapter Seven - A Half-Truth

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Harry was leaving the Slytherin Common Room before anyone had a chance to talk to him. To confront him. Whatever Riddle had told the others—whatever had gone on—he didn't want to find out.

His eyes were heavy with all the sleep he had missed. So long he had lay there, his wand in his hand, listening in the dark. Hours and hours stretching on, both centuries and minutes, until his brain slowed down and sleep came, unwelcome.

He went up the stairs and saw Ron's ginger head outside the Great Hall, Hermione beside him.

'You're not going to believe it,' Harry said, coming up behind them at once. 'But I fucked up.'

Ron spun around and let out a snort of laughter. Hermione blinked like an owl.

'Trust me I can believe it,' Ron muttered, beginning to grin.

It vanished when Harry explained what had happened the previous night.

'There's nothing we can do now,' Hermione said, sounding downcast. 'Whatever Riddle's going to do, it will happen anyway.'

'I don't suppose you could convince him it was all a misunderstanding?' Ron said, looking as doubtful at his own suggestion as Harry did.

'I haven't seen him yet. I left as fast as I could.'

Harry didn't want to see Riddle and face the horrors he would surely cause.

'Whatever he does, it's not going to be good.' Ron shivered. 'We should tell Dumbledore.'

'He can't do anything,' Hermione said. 'There is absolutely no proof Riddle is - the way he is. All the professors love him. And no professor is going to take a student's side during a fight.'

Her words snuffed out the last of his hope. 'Let's plan my funeral then,' Harry said, 'Maybe I'll take Riddle down with me and you two can get back to the future. That might be fun.'

'Don't be stupid.'

Hermione pursed her lips. 'Lie to him. Say whatever you have to. Don't goad him. And for god's sake, Harry, stop losing your temper!'

'He was reading my mind!'

'You should have at least pretended you're weak at magic. Riddle will see that as a challenge. Do you think anyone has ever beaten him before?'

'Maybe he needs a challenge,' Ron muttered.

Hermione gave him a nasty look. 'I can't believe you two.' She was speaking through clenched teeth. 'It's not a competition, it's about getting back to the future. And not letting Tom Riddle know all our secrets.'

'What happened to exposing him?' Harry said.

'That was before all of this! I think we have enough problems without making it worse.' Her nostrils flared.

'Good point,' Ron said.

A group of students walked past, eyeing them curiously. Harry waited until they went into the Hall. 'What do you think I should do then?'

''Tell Riddle to piss off or you'll make him,' Ron said.

'Say it was a misunderstanding,' was Hermione's answer.

Harry shook his head. 'A misunderstanding? We haven't had a little squabble over homework. He knows I hate him.'

'Well, good luck,' said Ron. 'You could always hex him so bad he's in the hospital-wing for a month. Or fake dragon-pox. That way you'll be in confinement. Strictly no visitors.'

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