Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Here mom, look inside the last drawer of my dresser, they are all there." I say gesturing towards the drawer. I get back into the bathroom and In what would have taken me two hours, was done in half an hour, thanks to my mom. "Ok... I am going to miss you!" She said hugging me and then crying. I felt like crying to, but I held it in. "Phoebe and Katie are coming to pick me up in 20 minuets mom" I tell her backing away from the hug. "Ok" she says sadly, giving me one more hug, when the doorbell rings. "Are you ready?" She asks. I get down and pick up all of my suitcases and shake my head yes. We walk out of the door and I meet up with phoebe first. We scream and jump all around! It was time for us to get our own place! "I have to tell you what happened today!!" I say to her thinking about josh. "Hey!" Katie walks up behind phoebe and brings me a bag of baked lay's chips. "Your favorite, for the trip" she says handing it over. "Thanks" I tell her. "We need to get a move on if we want to make it there tonight" says Katie.

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