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Thanks to those that have read my story so far. I hope you have all enjoyed it.

Dinosaur Speech

"Human Speech"

Sound Effect

Red's POV

Crack! Hearing the the noise, I turn around to see a... a female raptor. From where I am standing all I can make out is that she has a blue stripe stretching from her eye to the side of her tail. It actually looks almost exactly like mine except that mine is red. Who are you? I ask. She does not respond so I started to come closer. Once I am just within a few feet of her, she runs in the other direction then stops. Thinking she wants me to follow I start running toward her. She resumes her run. We continue running till we reach a clearing and the female raptor slows down to a stop. I walk to the center of the clearing- Creak!- the ground started moving and shaking beneath my feet. Falling to the ground, everything goes black for a second. When I open my eyes again I can barely make out that I am in some kind of dark container that is swaying back and forth.

Blue's POV

Once my container was open, I stepped out and asked, Charlie, Echo, Delta are you all ok?! Yes Blue, we aren't helpless you know. Says Delta sarcastically. Ok, just making sure, no need to be rude about it though. I say in response. Looking around I notice that we are in a completely new and larger territory. Ummm... Blue this is not our territory. Charlie squeaks. Charlie... I realize that. I answer. Formulating a plan about what to do, I walk forward a few feet ,turn around, and order, Echo. Delta. Examine the area for any threats and then report back to me- Echo and Delta then precede to go search in different directions- Charlie. Your with me. We're going to find a new place to make our new nesting grounds.

Owen's POV

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE TRANSFERRING BOTH OF THE PACKS TO THE SAME ENCLOSURE!!! They are two different packs that have developed isolated from each other! They are going to tear each other apart! I yell at Hoskins. "Well, it is not your call Owen, not this time. Masrani wanted them to interact with one another and introduce them to the main park soon. Anyway, you should be the happy one. Due to this, I won't be able to use them for military purposes anymore." Hoskins told me. As Hoskins walks away I watch and mutter, "Damn him."

Red's POV

It has been several hours since my brothers and I have been freed and created a designated nesting grounds. While we have already searched some of the new territory, we still have a lot left to explore. Hey Red! Want to play? Bravo asks. Sure. Why not. I answer. I then run towards him, jump over a log, and tackle him to the floor. Snickering, Bravo yells, That's not fair! I then say, Of course it is! We then continued wrestling for the next hour. Getting back up, I say, I'm going to take a walk. I then precede to run into the forest so that I can explore more of our new home.

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