Meeting Blue

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Dinosaur Speech

"Human Speech"

Sound Effect

Blue's POV

Blue! Delta yells. What's the problem!? I ask. I smell another raptor! Delta quickly replies. Another raptor... I thought we where the only ones. Then I smell it too. Echo. Charlie. Come here. You three are going to hide near that clearing over there. I gesture towards a clearing in the direction of the smell. And I will lure the other raptor there so we can surround it. I then start running towards where the unknown raptor's location is by following its sent.

Red's POV

After walking a bit farther into the woods I slump my shoulders and breath slowly. I then lay down and think, finally... I am able to get some rest without having to watch my brothers all the time.

One hour later...

Hey you! A voice called out. Wakening from my nap, I stand up and look for the source of the voice. After locating the direction, I see the raptor that I had dreamed about. She turns and runs back into the brush, so I follow. All the sudden we ran into a small clearing. She turns to face me and then three more raptors jump out of the brush surrounding me.
   Getting into a defensive stance, I scan the four raptors looking for a weak spot. After eyeing what appeared to be the youngest raptor, I decided that was who I'd try and get past if I need to escape. I stand up a bit taller so that I appear more intimidating. Looking at the raptor with a blue stripe whom I believe to be the Alpha, I ask, Who are you? The teal raptor, to my right, then snaps, Shut up! I then snap back angrily, I'M NOT TALKING TO YOU!!! I then face the blue striped female. Let's set things straight. First, do not YELL at me or my sisters. Second, you are surrounded. Third, my name is Blue. Finally... What is your name? The raptor, who I now know is called Blue, says. Blue... that was who Owen spoke about. I then stare directly into her eyes and stutter, My... My... My name is... My name is Red. Her eyes... Why am I stuttering and why is my heart racing? Deciding that I better escape now, I dart towards the raptor I picked out earlier whom is green with horizontal black stripes running along her back. Just before running into her I leap up and over her. The second I touch the floor I take of sprinting towards a log. Jumping over it, I look back to see them just standing there stunned. I don't stop running till I get back to my territory.

Blue's POV

   A few seconds after Red left, I mutter, What... Just happened? In response Echo says, I think he just escaped. I then say, I think we should just leave them alone. Grinning at me, Echo says, I have to admit... He was handsome looking. He was also... kind of cute when he stuttered. I then glare at her, let out a huff, and walk away. I go to my nest that I made and laid down. After starring at nothing in particular for awhile, I close my eyes and think to myself, he was pretty handsome...

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