An Old Friend

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A/N: Sorry for the late-ish update people but I'm being "punished". So no computer unless it's for school but school's almost closed, test is done though so...WooHoo!!! Anyway there may be more frequent updates to come.

Chapter 6: An Old Friend

~Shae's Pov~

I got up with a headache this morning but I'm still going to school. I'm not going to let what happened yesterday get me down. Aidan questioned me throughout breakfast but I only gave him vague answers which only frustrated him but I don't want anything to happen to him and knowing him, he might pick a fight with Zayn. When I walked to school, Liam met me halfway. He was asking me multiple questions too, which either meant that either Aidan called him or he found out on his own but luckily he didn't know that it had something to do with Zayn.

I didn't talk or even look at Zayn today, even when he came up to me and Liam at lunch and started to talk, I had Alyssa, Diana and Chelsea as distractions. But when he did speak to me I'd reply with short, vague answers. He looked pretty pissed but then again I'm not good at reading people's body language. Plus I'm not his friend, he doesn't want me to be anyway.

It was finally music class, we still didn't get the results from the performance Monday but I think that we would today, well at least I hope so. I went to my locker to get my books.

"Looks like someone lost a member?" I sighed as I heard his voice. Why does he still talk to me? I practically hate his guts and yet he comes back around.

"Whatever Zach, I have no time for you and your crap today. I have a splitting headache, so please do me a favour. Leave me alone," I said, my voice showing no emotions whatsoever. Surprisingly he followed my advice and left. That's a first.

"What did he want?" I froze. No it couldn't be. I can't do this. I can't speak to him, not right now. I needed time to get this anger out, but I've been running on it for almost whole day today.

"Like you care," I said angrily and stormed off leaving Zayn standing there. I can't wait to get home, lock myself in my room and just lose myself in music. Yes that's what I do when I'm angry or sad. I write songs and I haven't finished that song I started two weeks ago.


School's finished and I'm walking home with Chelsea. We were laughing when I heard someone yell my name but I thought it was the wind so we continued to walk. I heard some footsteps behind me but I didn't take them on much.

"Hey Zayn," Chelsea said. Why now, why oh why? I saw my house come into view. Okay just a few more steps and I'm home free.

"Hey Chels, umm, Shae I need to talk to you," he said.

"Didn't you say enough yesterday," I retorted, my words laced with sarcasm. I heard him suck in a breath as if I hurt him. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Chelsea giving me a worried look. 'I will tell you tomorrow' I mouthed to her and she gave me a small nod.

We reached my flat and Chelsea gave me a small wave before walking off. "Shae please, just listen to me," he said.

I turned and faced him," If you asked me that yesterday I would have listened but today, I'm pretty upset 'cause I practically poured my heart out to you and you just stood there, you didn't say anything, you just stood there and what sucks even more is that you're the one that made the first move, not me," I said. My voice getting loud and then going back down to a normal level.

"Please let me-" he was cut off.

"What's going on?" I didn't have to turn to know that it was Aidan. He probably heard me when I was shouting.

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