Answers Pt. 3

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                            's a lot of questions......welp, lets get on with it!

From L0rixxx:

1. If you had a nickname what would it be?

A: Well, since I use the username "Tigercool" or "Tigercoolyeet" a lot for online platforms, then my nickname would be "Tiger". Also, fun fact. I didn't make up the name "Tigercool" on my own. I actually got it from a math game that I played like, 2-3 years ago, and it generated that name, and I guess it's sticked.

2. Error x ink or Nightmare x Error[I'm a multishipper]

A: Oh, Errormare all the way. Sorry Errorink and Afterdeath.

3. Do you have any pets?

A: Yep! Right now, I have a Miniature Snouchzer or-however-you-spell-it named Linkin, and a bratty, spoiled guinea pug named Snuggles. We call both of them a lot of nicknames tho. The ones that I use most on Linkin, is either "Scrappy-Doo" or "puppy"(He's like, 4 now-), and for Snuggles, either "Snugglebutt" or "Spoiled Brat".

4. What's your favorite undertale ship?

A: Well, the battle between Afterdeath and Errormare stopped a while ago, and the winner was Errormare. So, Errormare.

5. If you could have a dog[or another one] what species would it be?

A: Well, I think I've gotten over Smile Dog now, so a Husky.

6. If you could be in a movie/book/game, what would it be?

A: Oh jeez, that's a hard one. Hmmmmm...............the book series titled Survivors by Erin Hunter.

OK! Next one.

From idk260:

1. Favorite undertale character?

A: Sans

2. Favorite AU Sans?


3. Wattpad or Youtube?

A: Honestly, that's a really hard choice. Both of these communities have made both negative and positive dents in my life, and they mean a lot to me. But, I guess I would have to say Wattpad.

4. Favorite Country Human?


Alright, last one!


1. What's your favorite book?

A: If I were to choose a book that's written in real life, then Survivors: The Final Battle by Erin Hunter. If I was to choose a digital book, I would never be able to decide.

Anyways, thank ya guys for asking questions!

I'll go ahead and put up the next part now-

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