Answers Pt. 4

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Well. I shouldn't be doing this during school time, but who gives a fox-

Anyways, lets get started!

From L0rixxx:

1. Underground fam, have you met any of the sans aus? Who's your favorite[if you have met any]

Nebula: Well, we have gone on a couple exploring journeys, yes. My favoeite has to be Outer from Outertale. We have a lot in common.

Rave: I'd say my favorite has to be Flowerfell Sans. I really feel bad for the Sans there.

Shozo: Well, I guess I don't really have a favorite since I tend to stay away from the inhabitants of the AUs, but I guess my favorite might be Alter from Altertale.

Glitchy: Well, mine is pretty obvious. TSW2K Error!

Winter: Well, mine has to be Flight from the Fir's Story Birdtale.

Swifty: Oh, GB Sans all the way!

2. Rave, hows the underground doing?[Like, the underground, not your fam-]

Rave: Huh. Well, if ya mean hows Hell doing, then its doing ok. Though, E Nihi Kaa is for some reason angry whenever I bring up the topic, and the spirits have just been avoiding going in there to check on stuff. Also, the Lasons have had started trying to avoid talking about it, so something crazy must have happened down there and I didn't notice.

3. Tigercoolyeet, who's your persona?

A: Ava Forestflare.

4. (Eeehhhh......Imma just screenshot the last one since I'm lazy and I can't do very many emoticons-)

Imma just screenshot the last one since I'm lazy and I can't do very many emoticons-)

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A: Huh. Well, for the first one, UH-Well, it's named a Oneshot for a reason, but if we come up with another good plot for the next chapter, then I could make it a Twoshot if ya wanted.

For the second question, I'm planning on writing a book thats teaser I posted in "Other Book Stories" a couple days ago, but I've already got this book, "The Backstories Of All My OCs", and "The Student With 2 Kids" to keep track of, so maybe I'll just do that story later.

And that's all the questions! Thanks for commenting and asking questions!

Alright, onto the next part-

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