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"What are you wearing?" My mother fusses as I walk out of my room. I personally couldn't care less. What's left to lose? Another bruise to the collection? go ahead.
"Charlie! Answer me!"
"What, mom?! What does it look like I'm wearing?!" I snap. She slaps me hard across the face and I yelp in pain.
"Go. get out, shoo!" She says. I grab my bag and stop at Nana's chair, giving her a kiss on the forehead. She gives me a weak smile and I walk out of the house. I turn the key in my car and It roars to life. I plug in my phone and play 'I Don't Care' on.

           I get to school early so I sit on a bench and watch people stare at me. Bruises, messy light brown hair in a bun, Adidas shirt and shoes, and ripped jeans. I eventually get fed up with them, so I connect my wireless headphones in and open Tik tok. Someone grabs my shoulders making me jump. I rip my headphones out to see a guy with blonde hair that falls in a curl above his head and blue eyes.
"jesus christ!" I mutter.
"I got you good, huh?" He says.
"I guess so." I say with a sigh. He notices my annoyed face.
"I'm Ryan Barlow," He says, extending his hand.
"Charlie Hannigan." I say. He walks around to the front of the bench and sits next to me. Suddenly the bell rings.
"Well. Got to go," He says. He stands up grabbing his vans backpack and walks in the school, me trailing (hopefully) twenty feet behind.



Hope you like my new story so far!

Message to Charlii:

Charlii: You are my world. My Best friend. 

"Best friends are like stars. You don't always see them, but you know they're there."



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