~ Two Cellos~

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Looking at my schedule, I mindlessly wander around my school. It says I have an orchestra first. Did I mention I play the cello? well, I do. If you don't know what it is, wow. go look it up or something. I walk into the orchestra and a short lady walks over to me.
"Hello! I'm Mrs. Drellos, your orchestra teacher! What's your name darling?" She asks.
"Charlie Hannigan." I say.
"You're over there, next to Mr. Day. Edward, can you raise your hand?" She calls. I follow her glance to a boy around Ryan and I's age. He looks up, at Mrs. Drellos and then at me.
"It's Teddy," He says. I walk over to the chair next to Ed- TEDDY. I SAID TEDDY. 

   "I'm Edward." He says over all the side conversations. "Please call me Teddy," He says. By his facial expression, you can tell Mrs. Drellos isn't the only one who calls him Edward.
"I'm Charlie, please don't call me Char-bear or anything shitty like that," I say (Not true, my best friend Emily from my old school calls me Char-bear). He smiles and nods. 
"Love the accent," He says. Oh this bloody British accent!"How about just Charlie?" He asks.
"Lovely." I say. He just laughs. I can't get over how FRICKEN CUTE THIS BOY IS. Oh lordy lord lord. why me. I just got here and I'm already falling for someone. After an hour of 'getting to know one and other' (who says 'one and other'??) The bell rings. After wandering from class to class for a while, it's time for lunch.

I walk into the lunchroom and look around my surroundings.
why is life life?

I spot Teddy laughing with his friends when Ryan walks up to me.
"Hey, Charlie. Wanna sit with me and the other people in my group?" He asks. 
Did he just say group?
"Uh, sure," I say before I can think. He drags me over to a table.
"Guys, this is her. You know, Charlie." He says to a couple of boys and girls at his table. Great. so he's mentioned me. He pats the chair next to him and I sit down. I glance over to Teddy's table. He's talking to a guy who looks like my best friend's ex and makes me scowl.
Lunch is long and boring since I'm sitting with the plastics. I like Ryan. his friends are funny. It's just the PLASTICS. Oh my god GO DIE IN A HOLE YOU BARBIE DOLLS. I grin internally.
"I  have to go study," I say. I stand up with my backpack. do I have to study? Hell no. Do I care? See previous answer.
I walk out and Edw-TEDDY. FUCK. Follows me.
"are you ok?" He asks when he catches up.
"I'm better now," I blurt. SHUT UP CHARLIE. Teddy makes a face as I turn away.
"Um, that's...good....?" He says. I try to hide my blush, but I feel like it's quite impossible. Once I reach outside and I walk to a tree.
"Do you know how funny you are?" He asks with a grin. I smile and glance down. 
"Thanks, but I'm not funny."
"Wow. Can't you just take the compliment?" He jokes.
I laugh and cross my arms around my stomach. Teddy just looks at me.
"T-Teddy? You alright, mate?"
"Sorry," He says.

 "You're just so lovely to be around, you know?"



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