Weak (day 10)

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He remembered every time the word had been said, everytime the word had punctured his mind as if it was a blade to his chest.

Taxi remembered the eyes piercing with anger, their mouths twisting with hatred. The hisses, the monotone, the sad growl. Everything.

"Taxi?" A knock rang through his sleeping quarters. "Are we going to do a practice fight?"

Maybe he'd prove himself by fighting mountain maybe he'd finally be strong. Maybe Taxi wouldn't be weak anymore.

"Coming!" A gleeful smile pulled at his lips and he readied himself.

He wrapped his hands, ready for the fight. He met a mountain outside on the deck of the air ship.

"You ready?" The sandpit caught in between Taxi's toes and he clenched his fists.

"Always." The tabaxi growled. The two launch into battle.

Taxi would swing, catching Mountain off guard once. Then is fist was caught, his fist missed, he tripped, he got punched. His jaw hurt. His teeth pierced his mouth, blood dripped down his chin.

"Are... you... done...?" Mountain huffed, catching his own breath as he readied himself to go another round. "Because... I could totally go another.... round."

Taxi fell to his knees, everything hurt. Every piece of him felt like it was on fire. He was too weak.

Always too weak.

Mountain's pitiful eyes looked down on Taxi. He wasn't strong enough. Not even in a little fight practice.

"It's okay Taxi, you won't be wek forever. Not if you keep try-"

"You think I'm weak?!" Taxi rose to his feet in a split second. He took a few strides to meet Mountain's face. He stood so much higher than Mountain, how did he fail to him? A dark growl came to his throat

"N-no! I missworded. I didn't mean it-"

Taxi's eyes narrowed, grasping at the straps on Mountian's shoulder, raising him to meet Taxi's eyes. "Tell that to the gods."

Before Mountain could understand, to be strong, Taxi's crawls ran across the dwarf's throat. Gurgled breaths shook through the dwarfs body as he still tried to fight free. The gurgles silenced as his limbs fell limp as Taxi dropped the body.

The sand soaked up the blood, creating chunks of the blood flowing free. Taxi took a step from the crimson sand, his eyes widened.

What had he done?

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