030┇walk home

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Chapter 030 : walk home

Park Jay's P.O.V.

( when they are still in the school's cafeteria )

"Should I go?" I whispered to myself as I look at their table.

But it would be weird if I just suddenly showed up.. i need to have an excuse..

I just stood there at my spot for a minute until i saw Seoyoon arrived.


I started to walk towards their table.

"Why?" Seoyoon asked. "I wanna have lunch with you."

"Well I don't."


"Seoyoon, Jungwon already said that he doesn't want to."

- ( present )

"Urgh I'm so full." I pat my stomach as the six of us went out of the cafe.

"Same." Jungwon nodded. "I don't think I'll be able to have dinner later.."

"Should we go home now?" Sunoo asked and looked at his watch. "It's already 6 pm and it would get dark soon.. it wouldn't be safe for the girls to go home this late at night."

"I guess we should." Jake nodded.

"So goodbye?" Sunoo said. "See you guys tomorrow at school."

"See you guys." Min smiled. "Thank you again for the treat Jay and Jake."

I smiled at her. "No problem."

"Be careful on your way home Min.." Jungwon said.

"Only Min?" Yujin raised one brow and crossed her arms.

"Oh.. uhmm of course you too Yujin." Jungwon awkwardly smiled. "Be careful too hehe.."

"Okay we should get going now." Sunoo said. "It might get dark soon.. let's go?"

"Hmm." Jake nodded and started to walk with Yujin.

"Wait Jake hyung!" Jungwon called out. "Why are you heading that way? I thought your house is this way?"

"Uhmm.. I'll be walking Yujin home.." Jake said. "Just to be safe."

Jungwon was about to say something but sunoo pulled him with him. "Just let the two spend some time with eachother."


"Hey Min." Sunoo called out. "Which direction will you go to?"

Min pointed at the left side. "I'll be heading that way."

"Oh great!" Sunoo smiled. "Jay hyung's house is also that way.. you two can walk together since it's already late.."

"No it's okay." Min said. "I don't want to bother Jay.. besides he might need to go somewhere else."

"Don't worry." I said. "I don't have any plans after this."


"Oh so that's why I heard someone yelled at the opening ceremony that they would give you honey if you noticed them."

I looked at her and chuckled. "You even heard that?"

"Yeah." She nodded. "They were so loud."

We already passed by my house earlier but I didn't bother to tell her.

"So this is my house." She stopped in front of a house. "Thank you for walking with me Jay."

"It's okay.. no need to thank me."

"Is your house still far away?" She asked.

"Yeah.." I lied. "It's still a couple of houses away from here."

"Thank you again." She said. "I'll be going inside now.. be careful on your way home."

I smiled at her. "I will."

I watched her enter her house before walking back to mine.

I wonder if she saw my letter..



thank you so much <3

thank you so much <3

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