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Chapter 000 : game

Yang Jungwon's P.O.V.

"Yeah I'm scared 두렵긴 하지만" I quietly sang along with the music as we practice our performance for the school's opening program. "힘차게 뛰어가 let's just try"

I've been in this club since my first year here in I-Land University

"친구가 되어 함께 걸어줘 Let's just run for our lives." I heard Heeseung sang along too.

"Run for your dream.."

After the song finished we all collapsed on the floor sweating while catching our breaths.

"Just when will this be over?" Jake complained. "We've been doing this for the whole week."

"I know we're all tired but we need to practice hard." K said. "The principal is expecting a lot from us."

"Can we just like rest for an hour?" Sunoo suggested while still laying on the ground.

"An hour sounds good." Jay nodded.

"Alright but after that we'll go back to practice." Heeseung said.

"Deal!" Daniel smiled. "Let's play a game!"

"I thought we're going to rest?" Sunghoon asked confusedly.

Sunoo suddenly sat up. "Let's play truth or dare!"

"What are you guys? Kids?" Jay rolled his eyes but sat up straight. "Alright does anyone have a bottle we could use?"

"I have one." Niki stood up and went towards where our bags are placed at and came back with an empty bottle of water in his hands. "Here."

"I'll spin it first!" Sunoo excitedly takes the bottle and spins it.

"Oooooohhhh" We all exclaimed when it landed on Heeseung.

"Truth or dare?"

Heeseung paused for a moment before answering. "Hmm.. dare."

"Hyung I dare you to do an aegyo!" Sunoo pointed at Heeseung.

K laughed while hitting his knee. "Show us Heeseung!"

Heeseung's eyes widened and tried to run away but Jay quickly got a hold of his hoodie making him sat back down.

"Copy what Sunno hyung always does." Daniel suggested.

"Sunoo! Show us an example!" Jay said.

"Ddeonnu!" Sunoo said in a baby voice and looked at Heeseung. "You need to talk like a baby like Heedungie!"

"Pfft!" Heeseung laughed and tried to run away again.

"Just do it hyung!" I cheered.

Heeseung took a deep breath. All eyes are on him waiting for him to do it.

"Heedungie!" He cutely said while doing a peace sign.

"WHAAAAAAA." We all cheered as Heeseung stood up and ran around the room.


"Oh Jungwon hyung!" Niki said as the bottle landed on me.

"Dare." I quickly said before they could even ask.

"Hmm." Niki squinted his eyes while thinking. "I don't have any good dare.. anyone wanna give Jungwon hyung a dare?"

"Me! Me!" Daniel raised his hand.

"Oh okay what's your dare?" I asked as I faced him.

"I dare you to message someone and tell them you're cute!

"You can not message any of us!" Sunghoon said. "It should be someone outside the dance club!"

"But who will I message?"

"Just find someone random." Daniel said. "Type a bunch of numbers and message them."

I opened my phone and did exactly what Daniel said. After I'm done typing random combinations of numbers on my phone and typing "I'm cute", I hovered my thumb over the send button contemplating whether I should do this or not.

"Hury up hyung." Daniel said.

"Guess this would do." I whispered as I pressed the send button


i'm cute

𝗜'𝗠 𝗖𝗨𝗧𝗘𝗥. yang jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now