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(AN: I kinda wanna do more drabbles with Toby and everyone else, this was just the first one that came to mind. Let me know if you have any favorable ships with Toby! Pic not mine.)

Toby stretched his body as the morning sun filtered in through the cracked window. Most others didn't like the daylight flooding into their rooms and disturbing their slumber; even Hoodie and Masky had once fought him on keeping the blinds closed so they could get their much needed beauty sleep whenever they had to sleep during the day. But that wasn't like Toby; at least not all the time. And the two Proxies, for the most part, only complained under their breaths whenever they went to sleep for the night. But having a nice wake up call such as the sun wasn't the only reason Toby enjoyed the blinds letting the sun in in the early morning.

    The brunette could feel arms wrap around his torso protectively as he finished his stretching. Tim muttered in his sleep as he pulled Toby closer to his partly clothed frame; Tim only resting once more after he nuzzled his face into the other's pale neck. Toby hummed, a small grin sliding across his lips as he reached an arm around the other. By the Gods, Tim looked so peaceful when he slept. So entranced by the sunlight hitting the raven haired man's face was Toby, that he didn't hear the other bed move nor the footsteps walking swiftly to the larger bed -- and Toby squealed in half surprise as Brian slid up to Toby's free side, bringing his own blankets to both cover himself and to half throw over the others as he settled into bed.

    "Y-You could wa-warn me next t-time," Toby stuttered out as he shifted to his side and allowed Brian to encompass the other's scarred chest while Toby still faced Tim; Brian's own chest pressed firm against the warmer back almost instinctively.

Tim shifted in his sleep from the commotion, and for a moment Toby thought that they had woken him. Thankfully, Tim did not wake; but instead only tried to pull Toby closer, finding a better spot in the other's neck to rest his head and hide his eyes from the rising sun.

"Mmhm," Brian could be heard muttering behind him before the Proxy's head nuzzled its way into the space between his shoulder blades on his back. "But then it'd be hard to scare you if I did that."

Toby glared over his shoulder at Brian. Brian obviously didn't notice or didn't care as he curled up tighter behind Toby; legs curling into his. 

Any anger Toby had was quickly replaced with a sense of calm. That was a rare thing to have for him, especially when his BPD started to downcline rapidly. But somehow, someway, he always found comfort and peace of mind lying like this; twin breaths creating a soft rhythm around him as he listened to his lovers sleep. There were never any sudden changes of his moods, no biting and tearing at his cheeks or fingers resulting in even more open wounds, no anxiety filling him with lies and misfortunes whenever they were piled together comfortably in their room; Tim and Brian often keeping Toby wedged between them as if to protect him. And Toby would never complain, the calming aura making it hard to do anything other than simply lay awake and enjoy these little moments.

Because with them, Toby didn't feel the need to worry, to complain or cry or be angry or scared. With them, he felt calm and relaxed. With them, he felt as though he could lay in bed all day if it meant that they would stay with him. Because whenever he was with them, Toby felt something strange and foreign, something that he knew he hadn't felt in quite a long time.

Because with them, Toby finally felt whole and safe. Because to Toby, they were all that mattered

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