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Jeff was never really the one to show his feelings outwardly. He had feelings and emotions, yes; but such a young mind having been broken in such a horrific way made it hard for the raven haired teen to express any sort of positive emotion -- much less any kind of romantic relationships.

And he was especially never good with Toby. The little dork was always just so -- he wasn't sure how to put it -- bubbly. It was kinda hard to put the mood swinging killer in a bad mood. He did that fine on his own anyway. But his attitude seemed to just radiate his warmth, and while none liked to admit it, it was hard to not feel it and accept it. Especially not Jeff, who had found himself slowly growing fond over the other over the brief time they spent together.

And oh how Jeff hated it. He wasn't supposed to feel for anyone, much less another guy! But it was hard not to love Toby, no matter how annoying he was. And especially when he was hurt. Not just once, but twice within the last two weeks. Or so Jeff had counted, at least.

The killer felt bad for breaking the kid's glasses or goggles or whatever the hell they were supposed to be. But he'd been angry -- at Eyeless Jack, primarily -- when he had stomped precariously that had once sat on the living room table, but had been carelessly knocked off during a minor altercation and stomped on as Jeff tried to storm through the living room to put space between he and the eyeless killer, else he royally screw up and get Slender involved. Jeff had felt horrible at the time, especially with Toby's heartbroken expression and quick retreat to his own room to try and fix them to no avail. Jeff still got a mouthful from Hoody from the incident, and Jeff couldn't say he didn't deserve it.

The second happening was when Toby was shot retreating from a recent mission. It wasn't anything too bad, and Jeff was secretly thankful that Toby couldn't feel the pain; but the bullet went through his knee, and while they were able to retrieve the bullet, Toby was skinny enough that it warranted bed rest until the wound and bones fully healed. Which meant he was in his room the majority of the day and only getting interaction when someone visited his room. Hoody and Masky were his main visitors, if only to bring him meals and take away plates or see if he needed help getting around, though Sally could often be found bringing tea parties to Toby or, even more comically, playing nurse. Toby must have either had a head of pure steal or heart of pure gold to put up with the girl's antics. Jeff often needed Slender looming over him to agree to do anything with Sally in the first place, so Jeff had to give him props for that.

Nonetheless, Jeff still felt guilt for breaking the teen's goggles and in some regard for him getting shot like he did (even though he had no affiliation with the mission at all, much to his annoyance and confusion), and thus decided he'd at least try to do something nice for the ticking teen. So late one evening Jeff made a trip to the store, hood covering his hair and face mask feigning he had disease and caused most other people to steer clear of him as he shopped quietly. It wasn't like he hadn't been sent on an errand anyway, so he might as well start grabbing things while was there.


Jeff rasped his fist lightly on the bedroom door, half expecting not to get an answer. But to his surprise, he did.


"Uh, hey, it's -- Jeff," spoke the raven haired killer hesitantly. "Can I come in?"

There was a moment of vocal silence as Jeff could hear shuffling somewhere within the room. He half expected Toby to ignore his request or outright tell him to leave, all things considered. But yet again, the young brunette surprised him.

"Ye-yeah, co-come in!" Toby replied, sounding almost as hesitant as Jeff did.

Sighing, Jeff slowly turned the knob and swung open the door. Toby sat up on his bed, blankets covering his legs though looking as though he had sat up, Jeff realizing those were the sounds he must have heard. Toby looked tired, yet not as though he had slept recently, either. Stupid kid, forgetting to do the basics. It wasn't that hard, really!

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