Sakusa IIIc

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Hinata stammered as Sakusa gave him a cold look.

"And who said you could call me Omi? Let alone touch me. Your germs would get all over me."

Hinata stilled as he slowly processed the words and his world spun when he figured it out.

Sakusa did not remember him at all.

He felt the whole world crashing upon him as the Omi who sat in front of him now was the Sakusa from before they even started talking properly. The Sakusa Kiyoomi who hated all contact and had no distinct feelings for him yet.

After all, they started getting closer to each other after Hinata had left for Brazil and ended up texting the germaphobe every day.

"You... Don't remember?"

Hinata sat down on his chair as he tried to make his heart stop thumping in his head.

"Remember what? You're Hinata Shouyou from Karasuno right? Although you look a lot more mature than when I last saw you."

It was like they were back to square one where the germaphobe wouldn't let the ginger anywhere near him. It was absolutely devastating but Hinata smiled.

He wasn't going to cry because the Omi he knew wouldn't like it.

"Yes! But also no, I actually came back from Brazil thr- wait it's been a year now... Four years ago!"

Sakusa's eyes widened as Hinata then opened the bag next to him to pull out masks and hand sanitizers which he used on himself before sitting back down next to his boyfriend.

The germaphobe visibly calmed down when he saw this and the truth was a little easier to take as to him, Hinata was now probably speaking the truth.

"Let's see..." Hinata started before he started to explain how, much to Sakusa's disbelief, they had gone out for New Years and were on their way back from the festival before Sakusa saved Hinata from an incoming car.

"You hit your head so it explains why you've lost your memories."

Sakusa nodded as Hinata then patiently sat by his bed, explaining how his graduation from Karasuno was five years ago and how he had joined Sakusa's volleyball team when he returned.

The attention to small details that Sakusa wanted were all automatically filled with Hinata's explanation and the germaphobe wondered how Hinata seemed to know his thought process so well.

Not even his own family were able to give an explanation he liked without asking questions but Hinata seemed to be able to do everything. It made his heart thump a little and the germaphobe felt odd as he placed a hand on his heart.

"Om-S-Sakusa?" Hinata stammered out of concern as he saw the boy look at his hand in bewilderment.

"Nothing, it was probably an adrenaline rush from trying to understand what you said."

Hinata nodded in understandment before smiling and getting up.

"Well visiting hours are almost over, I should be going."

Sakusa felt pain in his chest as he saw Hinata's smile and gave a nod.

"Okay! Bye bye Sakusa!"

The door closed and Sakusa clutched at his chest in pain as a hand unconsciously tried to make a grab at the closed door.

"What am I doing...." he muttered to himself as the room suddenly felt disgusting. The air seemed filled with painful germs even though it was perfectly fine when Hinata was still there.

He didn't know what to do but a bag caught his eye.

Without thinking, his hands made a grab for it and relief hit him as he found masks and sanitizers in forms of gel, spray and wipes.

It was then he realized that he was okay holding a bag that he knew Hinata held earlier.

Why am I not as repulsed as I should be?

The next few days, Hinata visited Sakusa from morning to evening every day to fill any gaps in Sakusa's memory but there was always something off for the germaphobe.

Hinata never spoke of how he seemed to know Sakusa so well and he just brushed off the topic whenever it came up until the day of his discharge.

"Are you sure you can drive?" Sakusa asked skeptically as they sat in Sakusa's car that Hinata apparently drove over.

"Yes! We both learnt how to drive although I did the test in Brazil. I just never bought a car though because I usually just run everywhere." Hinata explained and Sakusa sat in the passenger seat uncertainly.

It felt odd, as if he was more use to sitting behind the driver seat with someone else in the space where he sat.

Wait... Who else would it be? And why would I let them in my car? I'm only letting Hinata because I'm unsure if I can drive right now and he knows where I live....

They arrived and Hinata parked perfectly before Sakusa got off and watched as Hinata turned the keys to his door and a feeling of nostalgia hit him as the two went inside. It was really clean for a place that no one lived in for a year.

"Well then"

Hinata smiled brightly, making Sakusa's heart skip a beat as the ginger quickly ran forward to touch Sakusa's face.


The germaphobe stood still in shock as the feeling of Hinata's hand on his face was actually pleasant and Hinata blushed before turning around to wave.

"Good bye Sakusa!"

Each second for Hinata was like torture as Sakusa didn't remember him but the ginger didn't mind. It hurt more to not be with him.

Sakusa watched as the door closed again and once again, his hand tried to make an unconscious grab.

He sighed as he opened the shoe cupboard and made a face of disgust as he saw a coat folded neatly inside.

That's not where that belongs!

He flapped it open and a small box tumbled out.


Sakusa opened it with confusion and a ring glinted back, memories hitting him like a truck as Sakusa's face became pale.


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