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Sleep wasn't an agenda last night as I lay on my bed sobbing and thinking of how to get up and tidy the house. I heard a knock on my bedroom door, but all I want is to be alone. "Go away...... I want to be alone." I said, lying on my back as my eyes lingers on the door. The door opens and Big Mummy enters my room with a very thick book.

I wonder what she heard I did that prompted her bringing the book. She started using the book on I and my siblings when we each turned twenty. "Mummy, it's you. How did you get pass the main door?" I asked sounding so surprised and exhausted. "Well, the door was opened" she replied. "Ohhhw, I forgot to lock up last night. Mummy what are you doing here?" I said.
She's never been to my house this early unless it's important and the big book made it clear that maybe I'm in big trouble.

"Imagine! Is that how to welcome your mother?" she said as she sits on my bed, scanning my room. "Your house is a mess. It's unlike you, and you still haven't opened your birthday presents. Wait, no work today? This is thirty three minutes pass nine." Big Mummy said as her eyes leaves her watch to rest on me, causing me to jump out of bed.
"I can't believe I'm late. Mummy you need to go," I said covering my face with my palm. "I'm a mess, I need a me time. I want to be alone..." I said sobbing.

"Where's your phone?" Big Mummy asked.
"I don't know, maybe in the living room" I said leaving the room and heading straight into the kitchen. "Ahhhhhhhhh...." I screamed, turning to rush out of the kitchen and bumping into Big Mummy. "Ogini?" She said as she looks at me as though I'm crazy. "Mummy, did you come here alone? Or am I seeing things? Two strange looking Corps are in my kitchen" I said almost not believing myself.
"You are seeing things... You think you can run away from us?" the two people you ran away from in the kitchen replied in unison as they approached you with their hands stretched out like ghosts and their faces covered with a white powdery substance.

"You two stop!" Big Mummy said as she slaps their hands down, "I allowed you follow me to help make things easier for your sister and not torture her. Now behave yourselves, if not for anything, for the sake of the Corp uniforms you're both puting on" she concluded.
Realising I've just been played by my siblings, I gave them both a punch on their tummy. "Never do that again" I said drawing them to a hug.

"Is Doctor James still you head?" Big Mummy asked as she fiddles with your phone "Mum, what are you doing with my phone and how did you know the password?" I said trying to tidy the living room a bit.
"Children of this century, they answer questions with questions." "Yes mum, he's still my head. Nonso! Do you want to spoil my freezer? Stop opening and closing it every second" I yelled as I sat next to Big Mummy as she puts her call on speaker.
"Hello, good morning, please who am I speaking to?" The caller asked. "Good morning doctor James, I'm Madeline, Miracle's mother. My daughter's ill, she's been restless all night and couldn't sleep. She's developing a temperature of 37.6 so I called to let you know she won't be coming to work today till we figure out what's wrong with her." Big Mummy said. "I'm so sorry Mrs Madeline. Today's Thursday so she's free to resume duties in Monday. We have other doctors that can take care of her patients. Please greet her for me and send my get well soon wishes. Good bye and do have a lovely day." "Thank you doctor James, do have a lovely day too" Big Mummy said before cutting the call.

"Wow! That was quick!" I said getting up from the couch and head into the kitchen. "Nonso!" I yelled smacking the back of his head. "Owch!" He exclaimed as he drops the fork and rubs the back of his head, "That hurts" he said. "Ibu onye ara, nka o bu iri nye gi? (are you mad, does that look like food to you?)" I said in Igbo. "Aguru gim. Aapu oku, ulo adigi ocha (I'm sorry but I'm hungry. By the way, your house is a mess)." He said making me smack him at the back of his head again.
"Owch!" He exclaimed again as you get the tray of cake and put it back in the fridge. "To the living room" I said waiting for him to move before joining him.

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