Kaoru Shirukiru Origin

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"DAMMIT, CHILD!" The girl dodged as another bottle was thrown at her, the glass shattering on the wall. "Go get me more alcohol, you useless shit!"

"Not until you take your medicine."

"Fuck the medicine! Go now!" Kaoru sighed and left the room, locking the door behind herself. She glared at the closed doors with shadowed eyes, scarier than Josuke when someone insults his hair. The girl smiled creepily and took a matchbook and lighter from her pocket. She bit down hard on the plastic of the lighter, dripping a trail of fluid to the front door of the house and leaving the home, going to hide in a bush as she lit the match and threw it at the trail of fluid she had left.

The house soon burst into flames and Kaoru smiled with blank eyes, watching as ash flew in the air. The girl, only twelve years old, listened to her mother's screams and sighed, finally feeling free as she breathed in the night air. By now, she would be able to call firefighters without suspicion as to how the fire started, standing up and stretching as she walked across the street and knocked on the neighbors door.


"Kaoru Shirukiru."

"As in pro hero Anima?"

"Yes, she was my mother."

"Okay. Age?"



"June 13."

"Alright, you're good to go." The old woman slid a folded to you that contained a school schedule, locker number and combo, and hall pass. "Your classroom is down the hall to your left."

"Thanks." Kaoru stood up and left the office, putting in one earbud and playing Milk Man by Rare Americans. The girl found her class and slid the door open, the teacher turning to her. "Ah, you must be Kaoru! Please come in and introduce yourself."

"Okay." The girl stepped forward and stood in front of the class. "My name is Kaoru Shirukiru. You can call me Shiru or Ku. I am a transfer student from America and I recommend not pissing me off. The last person that did, well... we'll just say she won't be needing life insurance anymore." The teacher cleared his throat and said, "Yes, well, Miss Shirukiru, there's an empty seat next to Bakugou over there. Bakugou, raise your hand."

"Hell no." The teacher smiled at Kaoru nervously and said, "I think you two will get along!" Kaoru scoffed quietly and dropped her school back on the floor, sitting next to the blonde. "Well, we have about ten minutes until class starts, so you all behave yourselves while I go print out today's assignments." The teacher left the room and Bakugou turned to the girl. She was about 5'5" or 165 cm and had short, fluffy, purple hair and eyes, a small black piercing adorning her right eyebrow to compliment the black crosses on her ears.

"Let's get one thing straight, transfer bitch. I am above you and you are below me. You-"

"Oh hey, my favorite song came on." A tic mark formed on the boys eyebrow and he grabbed the girl by the shirt, yelling, "LISTEN TO ME, FUCKER!" Kaoru calmly looked up at Bakugou and simply said, "No." A punch would have landed on her face, but a soft, fabric-like substance wrapped itself around the boys fist and mouth, restricting him. Kaoru stared up at the boy with a calm look that seeped with bloodlust and malevolence. "Listen here, Baku-hoe. I will not have another pompous puke bag telling me what to do. If you wanna punch something, how about your ego? It's so big, you couldn't possibly miss." Kaoru's large mothe wings disappeared and the boy stumbled backwards, holding his bruised hand.

"What the hell...?"

"And one more thing... if you even THINK of touching me again? Well... your rib cage isn't going to be right side out for very long." The teacher walked back in the room and Kaoru sat normally in her seat, Bakugou still glaring at her and sitting down as the teacher cleared his throat.

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