Normal Day?

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"Kaoru, that man is here to see you again." The girl sighed and took out her earbuds, saying, "Let him in, I guess." Kaoru sat on her bed drawing hands wrapping around someones neck and watched at as the scraggly man walked into her room. He didn't sit down this time.

Shirukiru-Kun, the recommendation exam is tomorrow. There has been an update to the exam and there will be a physical aspect to it."

"I won't have any trouble with that."

"Kid, I need to speak with you about something extremely serious." The man closed the door and sat down in Kaoru's desk chair, leaning forward. "We'll have to keep our voices low - this is about your father." The girl hesitated before putting down her journal and turning to Aizawa. "What about him...?"

"Shirukiru-Kun, your father is a villain. I've been keeping a close eye on you two for a very long time and it doesn't seem as though you are in any danger. However, he is associated with the League Of Villains who we've been keeping tabs on. In one week exactly, your father will be taken into custody and you will be placed in the care of a hero family that knows of your situation. Do you understand?"

Kaoru nodded and said, "I've been suspicious of my father for some time, but with his personality and quirk, I didn't really think he could be involved in anything like that."

"Yes, well, we suspect he keeps up with communications for the League. Be safe and spend as much time as you can away from your father. Oh, yes, and recently we have become aware of the... incident when you were twelve." Kaoru stiffened as Aizawa's eyes bore into hers. "What about it...?"

"Shirukiru-Kun, we do not blame you for what you did. In fact, most people are glad you did it. You mother was a hero, yes, but she also doubled as a villain. However, your new family has been informed not to allow you near fire of any kind. This week, you will not be attending school. Instead, you will have four days off and in that time you will be meeting your new family and training your quirk. This starts tomorrow. You school has been informed of this and your father does not know of this. He will believe you're going to school when instead, a man with a white mask and purple hair will be picking you up at the train station. He will be your personal chaperone."

"A personal chaperone, huh? Can I have some more info on him?"

"Yes. He goes by the name Sakura and his quirk is Phantom. He can see and talk to ghosts, possess people, float, and phase through solid objects. He came to us looking for a job since no one wanted to have him work for them. He has been directed to comply to your every need and will protect you if need be. You will be safe with him."

"Do we have a safeword if there's a shapeshifter villain pretending to be him?"

"Yes, you get to choose the safeword."

"Mega Bloks."

"Excuse me?"

"Mega. Bloks." Aizawa sighed and facepalmed internally, saying, "Fine, I'll tell him. On another note, you will be receiving a new phone not under your father's protection plan. He will not be able to monitor your messages or search history at all. There are already three numbers saved in the phone - Mine, Sakura's, and Police Chief Tsukauchi's numbers." Aizawa pulled out a slim black phone will a clear case on it, handing it to Kaoru. "Don't lose it." The girl took the phone and nodded, setting up her passwords and whatnot. "Thanks for going through all of this to protect me. Though, another question, How old is Sakura?"

"Sakura is 22 years old."

"Wait, seriously? I kind of expected him to be like... 30 or some shit."

"Yes, that's usually what people say. For the start of the transfer of you to your new home, you will need to fit as many pairs of clothes and whatever else you can into your school bag without it seeming suspicious."

"Oh, yeah, that'll be easy. I take a massive army bag to school."

"I see. Well, tomorrow, go to your usual train station and wait. Sakura will come and find you and tap your shoulder three times. I have to go take care of another issue now, so I'll let you process all of this. Goodbye, Shirukiru-Kun."

"Cya, I guess."

One tap and she stiffened. Two more and she let her guard down. Kaoru put her phone back in her pocket and turned around, staring up at a tall man in a white half-mask. The man stared down at her with a blank face, holding up a pair of car keys. "Sakura-Senpai?" The man nodded and turned around to walk to a car parked in a nearby lot, Kaoru hesitating, but soon running after him. Sakura opened the back door for Kaoru and she stepped in, the man closing the door behind her and sitting in the drivers seat. Revving up the car, Kaoru asked, "Can I play some music?"

Sakura bent to the side and picked the aux cord up from the floor, handing it back to Kaoru. The girl smirked devilishly as she plugged in her phone and turned the volume up all the way. With a click of a button, WAP blasted through the car, Sakura jumping in his seat and turning the volume down. He turned around swiftly in his seat and stared at Kaoru with bewilderment. "Jeez, kid, I don't wanna lose my hearing." Kaoru smiled awkwardly and Sakura shook his head, turning back to the front and starting to drive. But don't think Kaoru didn't notice the little snicker the man let out.

"You don't talk much, huh?" Sakura didn't say anything. "I'll take that as a yes. So can we stop for boba tea on the way there?" Sakura nodded and he turned the wheel, taking a u-turn and driving Kaoru to the boba shop across the street. Sakura parked and took the keys, stepping out of the car and opening the door for the girl. "Thanks." Kaoru followed the man inside and the girl smiled when she saw no line. Sakura looked down at her and asked, "What would you like?"

"Ooh, you spoke again! I'm probably gonna get Taro with extra boba, but I can pay- hey, what-?" Sakura stepped forward and ordered Kaoru's drink for her, paying the woman at the counter and turning back to Kaoru. "I said I could-"

"No." the girl was silent for a moment, deadpanning, before saying, "Y'know what? Fine. But next time I'm paying." Sakura snickered a shook his head, taking the purple drink that was handed to him and giving it to Kaoru. "Thank you..." the man pat Kaoru on the head, popping a piece of bubble gum, and Kaoru followed him back to the car, sipping her boba and wondering what her new family would be like.


Words: 1190

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2020 ⏰

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