Chapter 1

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Eliza sighed as she coached some of the younger girls through their drills. Knowing that she had a mate out there was pulling on her instincts every moment she was away from him. For all her years with the council, she had never wanted anything more. But knowing she had a chance for love had changed something within her soul. She did not know if she liked this change. Her life sure was easier when she didn't have a mate. Sighing Eliza shook her head before focusing her attention back on the girls in training.

"Pair up and practice your takedowns on each other" Eliza ordered her voice gruff and commanding. 

"Yes sir" The ten or so girls replied as they did as she commanded and paired up. 

Watching the scene before her Eliza corrected any sloppy movements they made. Stepping away as they got the hang of it Eliza took a step back and scanned her surroundings. She was in the middle of the councils compound in their training field with walls all around her. To the right was the stables where horses were kept and cared for by the younger Slayers. To her left was the council building where trails took place and the cells criminals were housed in was under the ground. And the only way in and out of the compound was a large gate that was guarded 24/7.

"T-24578 Slayer Eliza, the council has finally agreed to your request for a meeting" A council guard spoke as he walked over with another Slayer. 

It had only been a year Eliza thought to herself as she looked at the Slayer beside the sub-demon. The Slayer had the same short hair cut Eliza did but her hair was black and her eyes a steel grey. She was also kitted out in the Slayers duster coat with the various weapons peeking out from her coat and laying on her back. 

"I will be there right away" Eliza replied tipping her hat at the guard before stepping around him and starting on her way to the council's room. 

Eliza looked back and noticed that the Slayers in training to see that the black-haired Slayer had taken her place to instruct their training. Even if she was to lose her life in battle or if she was to die another way, the Slayer council would continue on. That thought pissed her off more than it should have, ever since she had met Julius she had started to believe that none of the Slayers deserved the life of servitude that they had been born into.  

Killing for the sake of killing in defence of a so-called higher cause and bringing back criminals that needed to be brought back to the council to be given a 'fair' trial. Eliza was starting to find this life tedious and troubling how she longed to be in the arms of her mate and soothe the sad look that was on his face as she left him behind. 

Shaking her head to get rid of her thoughts just as she reached the door to the councils' main room. Two guards were stationed outside the large mahogany door both were half-demons wielding spears that were crossed over the door in an 'X'. Eliza couldn't see either of their faces as they were hidden beneath the helmet of a guards uniform. The armour they wore as well. The armour was just for display and procedure Eliza knew it would probably weigh them down and make them slow if they had to fight a supernatural creature. 

"Slayer T-24578 Eliza. Reporting" Eliza announced projecting her voice as she took the hat off her head so the could see the identification earring she wore on her left ear. 

"The council has been expecting you, please leave all your weapons here" The guard on the left spoke his voice sounding both gruff and bored. 

"OK" Eliza sighed before taking the crossbow out of her coat. removing her two pistols from her waistband. Removing the larger gun from her back and removing the various knives hidden on her person. Eliza also put down her vials of poison from various creatures and the throwing stars she had taped to the inside of her hat.

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