Patience Is waiting for fate to meet

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Hey Welcome to my first fan fiction please do not hate on any of the ships and If I made a error please tell me thank you and please enjoy

{Narrator's pov}

Nubonaga who had asked the main spider to recruit a young boy with black spiky hair and who wore to much green.
Kuroro who thought about it but didn't want to since it was a child, what can that kid do? Sure it reminded them about uvo who recently past but was the kid useful? It was dangerous since they were criminals, thieves and cold hearted killers.
Kuroro and the rest came back to the spider base I guess you can call it their spider web, unaware that the albino assassin an a spiky green boy where there, oh how unaware the head of the spider was about the little spiderling with their future that waited patiently for them.

{Kuroro's pov}

"I Sertely will not recruit some random kids. " I told nobonaga, it was already a problem that we have a angry chain user trying to kill us and now all of a sudden he wants me to recruit random kids who've followed them?
"But bos-" Nobunaga was cut off by some kid with a short temper. I look behind nobu and see two kids tied up sitting on the ground, one kid had white hair and diamond blue eyes and another was kinda cute he had chocolate brown eyes, black spiky hair. "We won't join! Now let us go!" A smile formed on my face I didn't knew exactly why "how about we make a deal? " I didn't know what kind of deal I was talking about I just said it without a thought "hm? What kind of deal? " The albino looking kid asked. I thought about it they may or may not know the chain user and they know where the base is at so they could easily rat us out it was a good idea to kill them on the spot if they don't know the chain user, yet I don't want to harm them at least not one of them...
" Do you know someone who uses chains by any chance?" They seemed confused when I asked so I guess not.

Yeeeeeeee yay first chapter! Again please tell me of there's any error and yeah I'll probably update this every weekend or Wednesday! I honestly hope you enjoyed I'm kinda rusty so

My little spiderling ///KuroroXGon///Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin