Chapter Six.

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Jeongin hadn't seen Chris since the day He was over at his house.

And now, three days have passed.

He had even gone to the extent of asking their boss, Changbin, where the male was. He hadn't gained a coherent response because it was something personal.

The ravenette now sits in his home, lying on the couch while watching television. A documentary about plants is on, and He isn't paying much attention. He stares out his window to the house across the street, Chris's house.

He would be lying to say that He wasn't worried. What if the person He had gone to see murdered him? What if He is avoiding Jeongin? What if.

There are a lot of what-ifs going through the boy's mind.

But one stands out before the others.

What if He's just in his home and wants a visitor?

Jeongin rolls off of the couch and slowly gets up, furrowing his eyebrows.

Surely He would be fine if I stopover.

He gazes out to the dark street, staring at the house.

His car isn't there, though. Is it just in the garage?

Jeongin walks toward his door, pausing. He contemplates whether or not this is a good idea; Chris has always freaked him out. Even now, He still terrifies him with his monotonous voice, and He hasn't heard it in so long. In a way, He craves it.

It's been so long.

Too long.

He slips his feet into some slippers and listens to his doorknob click, pushing it ajar as he takes a step outside. The air is cold, his breath clouding in the air. He would complain about it, but He could care less about it, His mind is troubled.

It's now or never, stop being such a scaredy-cat, Jeongin.

The ravenette makes it down his sidewalk and scampers across the blacktop. The streetlamp guides him to the man's side. He walks up to the door, lifting his fist.

He blows out a puff of air before He knocks.

Jeongin knocks three times, each time growing louder.

He waits for any response, though, he gains nothing.

The streetlamp begins to flicker before it fades into nothing, leaving him in the pitch-black.

Jeongin nearly turns around to abandon this plan - before He hears a thump above him. On the second floor.

"Chris?" He calls, licking over his pink lips. Someone is in there. And it is obvious. "Chris, are you home? It's Jeongin!"

The boy tries for the doorknob, coming to grasp with reality once he ends up pushing it open, gasping. The door screeches and only stops once he closes it, shutting it tight.

"Are you in here!" He shouts, cupping his hands over his mouth. He earns another thump. He consequently raises his head to look at the stairs, blinking.

The hair on his arms stands straight up, and He shivers, his teeth chattering. He takes his phone out of his pocket to turn on the flashlight, waving it around.

He is scared now.

Utterly terrified.

"Chris?" He tries once more, his voice cracking. He sounds like a child calling out for his mother. "I'm sorry, I came in here without your permission, but-"

Another thump.

Y'know what, Fuck it.

Jeongin rushes toward the stairs, flicking a light on and putting his phone back in his pocket. The floorboards creak, inducing him to swallow. The stairs seem longer than the last time He had been there. He reaches the second floor and looks down both hallways, pausing before He hears another thump from the left, turning down that way.

It's coming from the room He had asked Chris about before.

He is so close to it, reaching for the knob, and-

The boy comes to a stop once he overhears a door open downstairs, gasping.

He's frozen in place. How is he supposed to explain why He is even in there?

He stays still in the hallway before He suddenly leans onto his left foot, a creak shouting into the air.

Stomps sound up the stairs, and Chris comes into view, his hair wet and hanging over his eyes.

He stares at Jeongin until He eyes the door he stands beside, his eyes staying the same. "What are you doing, Jeongin?" He mutters dully.

Jeongin gulps, taking a step back while the blond walks forward, caging him into a wall. He can't think of any reasonable explanation, so He caves, telling the truth. "I-" He shuts his eyes, "I was worried about you-"

"So, you break into my house?" The man grits his teeth, showing no emotion.

"I was..." The ravenette trembles, raising his hands and setting them on Chris's chest, "I heard something from outside - I... I thought you got hurt so I came up here, and-"

The blond side-eyes the door, "Are you curious to see what's in there?" He questions, brushing Jeongin's hands away.

"No, Chris-"

"Come on." Chris grabs Jeongin's wrists, squeezing them with a stonehard grip. "I'll show you, Jeongin."

"It's- It's fine-"

The blond tugs him toward the door, and He only resists, attempting to tear away.

His grasp is too firm.

It's scary, the ravenette is so scared of him right in this moment. He has never been more afraid.

Jeongin shakes his head, "Chris, It's fine!" He repeats over and over again, growing hysterical, "Let me go!"

Chris kicks the door open and flicks the light on, and the ravenette finally stops, peering ahead. The room is empty besides for a box and a closet.

The man's grip grows faintly, softly rubbing at his skin in a circular motion, "Jeongin, why are you so scared?" He whispers, "I'm not mad at you..." He is resting his lips against Jeongin's temple, kissing it, "I am just confused on why you couldn't have just called me beforehand."

"I was knocking..." Jeongin mumbles, wiping at his red cheeks with the back of his hand. "Didn't you hear me calling for you?"

"I was in the shower. Just, tell me before you come over, Okay?" Chris murmurs, "Okay?"

Chris must not have realized something before opening the door. 

He was so sure that the ravenette wouldn't have regarded it.

A small rut of blood splays against the carpet. And Jeongin has caught a glimpse of it before the man secures the door, leaning against it with crossed arms.

Jeongin looks at the man with scared eyes, examining his intense expression.


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