Chapter Thirteen.

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Jeongin awakens to coldness, shivering. He sits up, looking around. He sprawls on the ground of the basement floor, a can of dog food and his glasses lying beside him.

He puts his glasses on and slowly gets up to his feet, trembling. The door leading out of the chamber is ajar. He walks toward it, pulling it open further, peering outside.

Where is Chris? He was with him before He fell asleep.

And why would the door be open?

Jeongin gradually makes his way to the stairs before he also realizes that the door to the main level is open as well, and it reveals a dark void awaiting him. With each step, the stairs creak, screaming at him.

"Chris..?" He breathes, reaching the top. He has an aching suspicion that He is being set up.

The hall is entirely dark, and He reaches for the light switch, flicking it. The light doesn't turn on, nor does it flicker. He flicks it once more, groaning in dissatisfaction.

He sticks to the wall while He makes his way toward the kitchen, a little light shining in from the window.

It draws the ravenette in, stepping to it hastily, leaning against the counter and gazing out. By the way it is manufactured, He would not be able to open it and escape, but it is so beautiful. The scene before him is the man's backyard and a garden exhibition.

He doesn't hear Chris sneak up on him before his arms wrap around his waist snugly, prompting him to jump.

"I have a surprise..." The man rustles into his ear, tightening his grip. "Would you like to see, Jeongin?"

His breath is hot against his skin.

Jeongin glances back at him, pursing his lips, "Chris..." He sighs, "What is it?" He questions quickly, his voice straining. "I don't like surprises."

"C'mon," Chris urges, "Follow me. You'll like it." He smiles, the moon illuminating his features, "I promise."

The ravenette gives in, and the man instantly grabs his hand, dragging him toward the main hall. He stumbles behind him, struggling to keep up. He is suddenly pulled into the dining room, glancing around.

"What did you-"

Chris turns the light on, revealing a cake in the middle of the table and Sojin's severed head propped on a box on a chair.

"Oh, my God..." Jeongin gasps, covering his lips.

"Sit, sit!" The frantic man ushers, forcing him forward, "It's our lovely Sojin's birthday!" He pushes Jeongin into the chair beside Sojin, who sits at the head of the table. "If only she wouldn't have died before she got her cake..." He rounds the table and sits across from him. "More for us then!"

Sojin's head is placed over a tarp, preventing blood from staining the things around it. It is incredibly sickening to look at; her eyes are still wide open, and her lips are agape.

Jeongin keeps his hand over his mouth, steadying his breathing, trying not to vomit.

Chris pulls a lighter out of his pocket and stretches toward the cake, lighting the candle in the middle. The fire knicks his thumb, and He drops the object with a grunt, dropping it onto the table. He rubs over the mark, suddenly clapping, putting on a grin, "Happy birthday to you," He sings, rocking back and forth, glaring at Jeongin, making him mouth along to the words. "Happy birthday to you," He taps his foot, "Happy birthday, dear Sojin!" He picks up a fork and digs into the cake, waving it to the head. "Happy birthday to you."

The cake smears over her purple lips, wedging through them.

The candle wax drips down onto the top of the cake, and Jeongin watches it, counting the seconds.

Chris abruptly stabs the fork into her eye, overhearing the ravenette's loud gasp. He gets up, shuffling toward a box, dragging it over to his seat.

He opens it and rummages through, grabbing out a few more candles and a steadier lighter. He pokes the candles into the cake and lights them one by one, grabbing out a container of gasoline.

Jeongin lifts his eyes, his mind running. He shakes his head, "Chris, what are you doing-"

He sprays the fire with the fuel, the flames rising. He flips the cake into the woman's head, knocking the seat over. It catches on fire, burning her skin, causing it to bubble and create such a stench Jeongin falls backward, landing on the ground.

Chris watches it burn, tilting his head, smiling guilefully. "How fascinating..." He cackles, leaning over his lap, bursting into laughter, "That witch is finally dead!"

The fire begins to spread onto the floorboards, and Jeongin screeches, pointing at it.

"Chris!" He shouts, "Put it out!"

The blond blinks; obviously, he didn't think this through. He grabs ahold of the table covering and tugs it off of the surface, plates and glasses flying onto the ground, shattering. He covers the flames and stomps on it, putting it out. He is hardly laughing now, forcing it out, seeping to the floor and slamming his fist against it. He sucks in sharp breaths, tears rolling down his cheeks, his knuckles growing red.

The air is mute.

Jeongin stares, rolling onto his knees and edging closer. He reaches out, almost setting his hand on his shoulder before He grabs his wrist with a stone-hard grip.

Chris lifts his head, trying to compose himself, widening his eyes and pursing his lips. "She's dead." He says this as if he is trying to convince himself. He sobs, slamming his fist down once again. After a few moments, He tugs at his blond hair with his fingers, his voice cracking, "She's dead... She's dead."

This side of the man has never shown so vividly before, and it shocks the captive. He seems so vulnerable and exposed.

"Chris," Jeongin scuffs closer, cupping his cheek, caressing it gently. "Are you..." He looks into his eyes, wiping his tears. "Alright?"

"I'm a horrid man." Chris bawls like a child, collapsing into Jeongin's arms. The boy runs his fingers through his hair. "I deserve to die the most horrendous end..." He holds onto the boy's sweatshirt. "She told me that before all of this."

He looks at the table cloth, playing with the man's hair. He doesn't know what to say. The man switched before his eyes. "Nobody deserves to die..." He answers quietly, "Not even you."

The rest of the night was spent in the dining room, Jeongin rocking Chris until He calmed, him falling dormant in his arms.

It made Jeongin think.

Does Chris deserve to die?

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