Chapter 4- Mick finally meets Gabrielle

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     Outside the gallery , loud drunken voices shouted playfully as Mick and his two friends staggered towards the front door. Before either girl knew what had hit them, Mick fell head first into the gallery in a show of his drunkenness and landed laughing onto the floor. It barely 9:30 a.m, yet he was already wasted. You could almost see the rum radiating off his sunburnt skin. Mick didn't appear to notice, as his big red lips, were now slightly upturned as if on the verge of laughing over some some private inside joke

Charging closer to his target, Mick's smile instantly faded. He had actually kind of hoped Gabrielle would be ugly up close. She wasn't so much pretty, he decided; she was exotic looking. Squinting under the bright gallery lights, he tried to pinpoint what it was that everyone thought was so great about her. Her face, for one thing , was certainly nothing to write home about.

Right off the bat Mick noticed that she had on way too much orange tinted concealer and her long nose cast a harsh shadow along her thin jawline. From his vantage point her face looked a little thin. Possibly from being too skinny...or maybe she was simply tired? On the flip side... her body was on fire.

Gazing down over her cleavage, he decided right then and there that her giant boobs canceled out each and every one of her flawed facial features. Plus, her toned thighs peeking out from under her dress were one hundred percent hotter than any of the girls he was currently sleeping with. Her long legs were so sexy-her bare shoulders-her long hair-

Feeling frantic , he ran his fingers through his own salty brown hair, his biggest flex, before reminding himself that what mattered most in a girl was if she had a sense of humor or not. Long ago he'd decided if a chick was going to have the privilege of hanging out with him, then she'd have to be able to take a joke, pretty on not. Mick smirked to himself, realizing Gabrielle had no clue what she was about to be up against.


Mick took a deep drag off of his cigarette and approached her easel with all the confidence of a dude who had already hooked up with hundreds of beautiful women. It was true anyway, he reminded himself. His number was probably up in the triple digits by now.


"Oh my goodness! You're an artist too!?," he exclaimed.

Looking up , Gabrielle gave a curt smile, and then got back to her work.

Off to the side, his friends all laughed awkwardly as he bit his fist in mock sexual restraint, gazing down at her cleavage. It wasn't lost upon him when Gabrielle next tried to casually cover her thin red bra strap with her thick golden hair. Holy fuck, Mick thought. She was one of the sexiest creatures he'd ever seen.

Trying to suppress a secretive little laugh , he stepped backwards towards his buddies snickering, "Hell, this ain't my first rodeo," under his breath.

They all laughed once again, but Gabrielle barely acknowledged him. She must not have heard him, Mick figured.

As an afterthought, Mick glanced down towards her easel to see what she was actually working on. It was a small painting constructed of tiny colored beads on a little wooden board. Mick held back a chuckle, forcing himself not to make a butt bead joke.

"Huh, are those real beads?" he brightened.


"Damn girl," he said "you just went up ten notches in my book."

Softening his brown eyes into a smolder, Mick hoped she would notice the intensity of his genuine interest, but Below him, Gabrielle didn't even bother to look up. He tried to sneak a peak at her face but her long hair blanketed her profile so that he had no idea what she was thinking. At that thought Mick could feel a small ripple of insecurity leak into his normal swagger. He worried she was missing this-the furrowed brow-the sexy smolder-the fuck me eyes.


During the next several minutes Mick tried making multiple attempts at small talk and even told a few jokes, but through it all Gabrielle barely gave him so much as a nod. Sure, he'd gotten the hint early on that she wanted to play hard to get, but this was down right rude.

Mick normally loved winning bitchy girls over, and thrived in matches of sarcasm with pretentious girls who swore they would never fuck him. They all eventually did anyway, he reminded himself. But this chick didn't even seem to care enough to be verbally hostile.

Mick slapped at a mosquito on his shoulder and then winced for a second at the sting. It was then that he looked up to find his friends snickering at him in pity from the side of the room. While most guys would have shriveled from the humiliation, the challenge only further ignited him.

Feeling determined, Mick coughed up some tobacco before asking, "Hey, have you ever heard of the artist who creates entire kitchens out of beads? "I saw her work in Juxtapose. Ever heard of it? Its a  Niche magazine. It's Super bad ass."

It was only then that Gabrielle looked up for a split second, where Mick could have sworn to have seen an mischievous twinkle in her eye.

"Sweet, I got a nibble!," he whispered excitedly over to his friends.

"You know, you should really check her stuff out," he said to her before making to leave, "I can text you a link to her website if you like."


While Gabrielle reluctantly stored his number into her phone, Mick nodded to his boys feeling accomplished. Picking up women was exactly like fishing. But this girl was no trout. "She's a Marlin", he thought dreamily.

Thank you for reading!!! If you guys noticed I've put some trigger words in bold. Coercion and predatory behavior can begin in the initial phases of casually meeting someone and is often confused with the thrill of a chase.

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