Dark angel

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Mick flicked his lighter, as Gabrielle appeared from the shadows and walked towards him barefoot on the wet grass . Seated on top of an old wooden fence, he took in her lean frame and shiny gold hair as she stepped from under his puffs of cigarette smoke. Beneath his smoke rings she looked just like a dark angel clouded in a halo of ash.

"Are you for real?" He joked.

But before Gabrielle could open her mouth to speak, they were interrupted by a faint rustling in the bushes ahead.

"Oh shit! Someone's coming," Mick startled.

Feeling panicked, he jumped down off his stoop and frantically wiped off his pants, while secretly worrying their intruder might be the bride of all people. Privately , he had spent the last half hour feeling absolutely terrified of Ian's new bride finding him smoking weed, or worse making out with one of the bridesmaids.

Mick hadn't wanted Gabrielle to know, but Ian's new wife completely hated her and had privately pulled him to the side only minutes ago demanding he take his drunk date outside or risk being sent home from the wedding entirely.

Hearing the  soft footsteps getting closer by the minute, Mick gulped and prepared for a lecture. His pulse quickened. While he knew married , ugly women struggled to control their jealousy of hot singles like Gabrielle, he hoped she'd go easy on her. But as he listened to the footsteps grow nearer, it seemed unlikely to be the bride.  Her mannish footsteps usually sounded like an elephant's stampede. But These footsteps sounded soft and much too delicate to be hers. Mick relaxed as  his prediction came true.  On his last exhale of smoke , a petite blond bridesmaid appeared in the bride's place.

What was more; the bridesmaid looked lost. And she was the hot one. Mick zipped through his memory, thinking about the first moment he had seen her walking down the aisle with her elvish , nervous smile. There  was no way he could have forgot her milky white skin , and long hair tied up in a braid.

This was too perfect, he snickered to himself. As always hot girls somehow magically appeared out of thin air and landed magically into his lap...

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