Chapter 26

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A/N So instead of an actual double update. I'm going to give you this extra large chapter. I will not being updating this Saturday October 17th. I have a memorial service to get ready for, so I hope this will hold you all over. 💃

Bakugo's POV

I can't help chuckling at my nerd, sure he sounds like a little kid but he just sounds so cute. It's not lost on me what all our teachers are thinking about us either, Zuki tends to leave his mind open to me all the time and it's kind of interesting to see/hear. Seriously All Might you ship us? Nezu; I shiver at his ramblings and do my best to block it out. I really rather not hear his theories on how we might have accidentally combined during adult activities. Which did NOT happen at all. 

Deku came up with the idea based on All Might's ability to grow to his hero form and shrink to his small form. After we talked about it for weeks we decided to see exactly how right or wrong we were. It resulted in many headaches, literal headaches.

I groan out loud, speaking of headaches. My head feels like it is splitting now. How did we let ourselves time out again? Oh right we didn't want the villain or the police to see us separating. It took everything we had to stay together until they walked out.

Why is the halfs' hero name bothering me so much? Shoto. Really a child could do better than that. You know what fuck it. By the end of today we will have at least two if not three names for him to choose from. I refuse to let him cause me more trouble than he already has with Red. 

"You have ten minutes before we leave for the dorms and our beds," I growl loud enough for them to hear. Deku is already out for the count but that's okay it's not like I can't handle a few questions. 

"How did you know it wasn't me?" Nezu questioned immediately. Damn straight to the point. 

"Your eyes are black but Toga's were brown. Don't know if that was her quirk wearing off or not but we knew it wasn't you and she was most likely but it was the knife that gave her away. It could have been anyone if not for the knife. Next." 

"How did the knife give it away?" Eraserhead asked next, I looked up to see him holding the weapon in question. They must not have bothered taking it because it didn't actually cut any of us. Dumb asses. 

"Smell it, it reeks of blood. Yet it is polished and smooth. She probably uses blood to clean it or some nasty ass shit. Next." I'm getting bored but they aren't really giving me hard questions. 

"How did you smell it from where you were?" All Might this time. 

"Deku and I are still two people our senses get magnified a lot when we use that move. Everything from sight and smell to pain." I can't help letting a shiver run through me. If a baby would have hit us while we were like that we could have crumpled, if we weren't prepared. At least I would have, Deku's pain tolerance is ridiculous. If he can stand so can I. 

"When you say pain-?" Nezu started. 

"No. We will not answer that. Next or I leave now." I cut him off. Deku has a literal notebook for each hero and villain; their strengths and weaknesses the pros and cons of each and how to take down each one. He is a slave driver when it comes to studying this kind of information. He has had years to develop methods for each one and it's scary how easy each pro can be taken down by a quirkless kid. Each plan is formed using absolutely no quirks at all. 

He let me destroy my own notebook only after I had each and every detail memorised. Something about never wanting me vulnerable for even a second. I love him but he is terrifying. 

"Why won't you answer?" All Might again, I tried not to roll my eyes but failed. 

"There is literally one person who could actually defeat us and you think that we will just tell him how? Sure he is a good guy now but what about in the future? Can you say that there is nothing that could stop you from turning?"

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