Sweet Lies ♪ Y! Osamu Dazai

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note: yandere Dazai, slight mentions of suicide, mentions of blood and death


   Just like him; seeking death. Questioning about this whole concept of living. That bleeding heart of yours.

   You've been hurt countless of times to the point it was a normal thing to happen. You knew people were hurting you, using you even but you fed yourself with those sugary coated lies. Sweet lies to trick yourself into trusting people; thinking that they have a healthy relationship with you.

   Those sugary coated lies have been keeping you sane to this day. But sometimes those sugary items will run out. Hence, you seek for something sweet to feed on as a source of living.

   You and Dazai had known each other for a few years. Despite him being obsessed with suicide and such, you found him amusing. Not a single person you met had the courage to speak about taking life away. He was a lonesome flower whom attracted a pained butterfly.

   He was the nectar you fed on. His flirts and double suicide proposals were sweet and genuine; at least for you. You were hypnotized by his appealing sugary taste.

   If only you were courageous enough to accept his lover's suicide proposals; you might've ended your torturing life. Though, you didn't. Something has stopped you from doing so. It was the feeling of guilt.

   If you accepted his proposals, it could even be considered encouraging his suicidal tendencies. You wouldn't like it to see him end his life early. He had a more successful future compared to you.

   You are only a butterfly who got caught in a sticky trap that you can't escape. Even when you screamed and shouted, no one heard you. No one reached out to you. Not even a glint of light would shine on you.

   Those who gets caught in a trap that they'll never escape will soon meet their end.

   That was how you unfortunately died from. You died from the sugary lies which you fed yourself. Crimson blood tainting your doll-like body; lifeless.

   Those sweets made you endure the torture done by him. You fell for the wrong person; the wrong significant other. He and you were never bound to be together.

   Your red lips left agape, stained with a stream of blood. Your tears streaming down as your once (e/c) eyes became dull.

   The brunette removed the kitchen knife from your deeply wounded neck as he left soft kisses on your soft neck. He held your body close to his chest as he chuckled softly; pools of crimson liquid staining the wooden floor.

   To him you were merely just an innocent doll who wanted something sweet. A sweet treat as a hope of living. Even if you were a broken doll; in his eyes you were ethereal. You were beautiful and naive; his ideal doll.

   "Now you'll be with me forever. No one's going to hurt you anymore".

   "You've been set free from a mouthful of sweet lies".

Word count: 487

This was a short one. I was trying out on writing yandere characters but with angst. Gosh the reader keeps dying since Yumeno's oneshot.
Let's hope the next oneshot I'll write is a fluff but who knows-

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