It's Just Weed, Bro

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"It's just weed, bro"

That's what they say 

That's what they tell me when I try explaining I might have a dependency

They tell me to relax and just let it be

But deep down I know this is becoming a problem

Or it has been for a while, but I wasn't ready to address it until now

The realization of how much time I spend high, or fantasizing of being high, is beginning to take a toll on me

Surely this must be a psychological issue deep inside that I've yet to confront

Yet even on days where I have positive, blissful experiences, there's always a "reason" to get stoned

Always an "excuse" as to how this current moment could be even better if I caught a nice buzz

Every night it seems I go to bed with the same intention

Tomorrow I'm going to go a full day without smoking

It seems so simple and achievable

Just one single day

But the moment I awake the following morning

There's always that temptation to smoke a quick bowl or take a few puffs from a joint

Are my expectations too high on what life should be like?

That every single waking moment should be a fun, happy one?

Maybe I have a control issue

Maybe I always feel the need to have things a certain way

But it's weird to talk about all of this

So many people love weed

Sometimes they even get upset if you try to make out any negative aspects of the plant

Just like my friends

They say I sound ridiculous when I claim cannabis to have any "addictive" properties

It's gotten to the point where I don't even mention it anymore

It only seems to stir up negative controversy whenever we blaze these days

Those same days where I'm drifting off from reality

Those same days where I'm having a hard time concentrating

Those same days where I'm unable to feel any motivation unless I'm high

Is it time for me to quit?

Or at least cut back the amount I'm consuming?

I've been smoking consistently for so long that it just feels like an everyday thing

I don't know...only time will tell

But then again

It's just weed, bro

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