Chapter 3

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okay I forget how I did it in the last chapter but anyways:

*this means he's thinking*

"This means people are talking"

this is 1st person narration 

now onto the story :>>

Denki's POV

When Bakugou woke up I he FREAKED out and made me swear on my life I wouldn't tell anyone. I mean I wouldn't anyways. Then he stormed out of my room  and slammed the door behind him and He's been ignoring me since.

Later in class

*oh.. my god what have I done.. I-I just slept with my best friends crush!? FUCK!! I'm such a shit friend..*


*w-wha- oh shiiittt- i guess i didn't hear the lunch bell ring*

Suddenly my thinking was interrupted by a pink alien shouting at me

"what- oh Mina.. sorry I was stuck in my head heh"

"yeah I was calling you for like 10 minutes!!!"

"I wouldn't say 10 minutes Mina" Sero piped in 

"SHUSH SERO!!" Mina shot Sero a glare and i couldn't help but giggle a little

"anyways what is it you guys need?" I ask trying to get back on topic

"Well Mina asked us all if we wanted to go to the mall now that when schools over" Kirishima told me as Mina was busy shouting at Sero for god knows what now

I could feel a pit rise at the bottom of my stomached i cant believe i did that to kiri it wasn't fair.. 

"Bakugou, Sero, and me are going so we wanted to know if your gonna be able to come too!" he continued

"I-I dunno guys.. I didn't sleep very well last night.. so i don't think i can haha" 

that was a lie. last night was the best I've ever slept in a long time..

Bakugou shot me a glare i didn't react not wanting to make the others suspicions. 

"Dunce face your coming weather you want to or not got it!?" Bakugou told me in a 'you cant change my mind so come or die voice'


"YAY!!" mina shrieked

"come on losers I'm hungry" Bakugou grumbled..


sorry its short again I have tests and i REALLY need to study sooo, i promise the next one will have lots of drama tho byyeeee

Draft (377 Words) 

Trans Denki Kaminari (ShinKami)Where stories live. Discover now