Chapter 1 - The battle of Shambala

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The pristine capital city of Shambala was burning. War had been brewing for many months but none, not even the oracle Shrushaw, believed there was a risk of its downfall.

The king of Shambala, Sachihiro was kind, just, and relied too much on the kindness of "neighbors", he thought they would honor the peace agreement.

Sachihero had 2 daughters both beautiful and pure like the moon.

The Elder one was called Revati, she was 21 and recently married to Prince Aditya of Lorna.

The younger one was just 16-year-old Toshani.

Right now she was shaking with terror as she gazed at the burning city from her balcony.

A strange whistling noise could be heard from far away.

" Arrows!" She thought.

She ducked down immediately as a rain of arrows struck where she was standing moments ago.

She crawled back indoors to avoid getting struck again. Leaning against the door she sobbed as her world crumbled around her.

"Quick Toshani ! dress in your darkest clothes, take your bow and arrows, and meet your mother and me in the main hall in one minute." King Sachihero said to her in a worried voice.

"Father... what is happening? I don't..." She stammered before he cut her off.

"Don't argue! there is no time to explain.... the Vatsaya soldiers are near the gates and our guards will not be able to hold them off for much longer, please dear, I beg you - hurry".

There was a tone of desperation in his voice and it chilled her to the core.

"Vatsaya? Why would Vatsaya attack us? Surely there was some mistake. They were allies!"

She clutched the ruby locket in a golden chain. It was a gift from Rudra. The 18-year-old second prince of Vatsaya. He wouldn't betray her.

Or would he?

Her governess approached her.

"Princess, please dress up in this cloak we need to hurry," Maria said.

Maria had been the royal governess for years. She had raised Toshani's elder sister Ravati and her since their infancy.

"Maria, what is happening?" Toshani asked in a cracked voice.

"The king of Vatsaya has attacked, my lady. Thankfully your sister is in Lorna. Otherwise, I shudder to think what would have happened."

Her sister was one of the heirs of Shambala, the mystical kingdom. Kings and princes from all over the world vied for her hand. She eventually chose Prince Aditya of Lorna 6 months ago in a Svayamvaar.

"Maria there is some mistake Vatsaya army would never attack us," Toshani said while changing into a dark cloak.

"And why is that, your highness?"

"Prince Rudra loves me. We love each other. He won't betray me."

Maria's eyes grew wide in surprise.

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