Chapter 4 - Rudra

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Prince Rudra yawned as he rode along with his brother Anbir, and the entourage of about 50 soldiers and staff. He wasn't really interested in the Svayamvaar of princess Revati.

He was just 18, too young to participate anyway. His half brother Anbir was one of the contestants. Rudra had just tagged along to give him company.

Anbir's mother the former queen had died years ago. The current queen of Vatsaya and Rudra's mother was Queen Chitralekha.

"Rudra are you sleepy? We can take a break if you wish." Anbir said.

At twenty-two, Anbir stood a good six feet one inch tall, only an inch taller than his dad. His body was lean and muscular from his active life. Hunting, riding, and sword training filled his day, as studies in politics, arithmetic, reading, and writing filled his night.

King Tarakdeo doted on Anbir, it's said he deeply loved his former queen Jyoti until a mysterious illness took her away.

He was never the same after that. He used to wander alone in the woods, caves, met several mystics as if still trying to connect with the dead queen Jyoti. 

However, his people sighed with relief once he married queen Chitralekha. She was barely a girl of 18 when Tarakdeo married her and brought her home as the mother of 3-year-old Anbir.

She was much more beautiful and graceful than the former queen. After marrying her Tarakdeo had somehow changed. 

He had become very ambitious, and bloodthirsty. He started heavily militarizing his empire, evolving into the most powerful king had become his sole purpose of life. To achieve that he had started usurping neighbouring smaller nations.

There was a rumour that he was interested in attaining the powerful magical source in Shambala. Getting his son Anbir married to the princess was the start of his mission.

Queen Chitralekha supported him wholeheartedly. She was a shrewd and intelligent lady with a mysterious past. Nobody knew where she actually came from. She claimed to be a descendant of an old noble family brought up in isolation among female sages. However, she had suddenly turned up when King announced her as his betrothed.

She was a good queen and a good mother to Anbir, and later Rudra hence no one questioned much about her. Those who had doubts were soon pacified by her grace and charm.

When king Suchihero announced the Svayamvaar and invited royalties from different places to try their luck. King Tarakdeo saw this as an opportunity to get close to the Royal family of Shambala. As the son in law of Shambala Anbir would have the right to continue his mission easily.

Provided everything went according to the plan and Anbir won. Otherwise, Tarakdeo always had plan B.

"You have to win this Svayamvaar at any cost Anbir!" Tarakdeo had said to Anbir. 

"I will surely win father." Anbir had replied.

Anbir was just like his father Tarakdeo. Ruthless and ambitious. Now they were riding towards the Imperial palace of Shambala to win the contest.

"I am not tired brother, I am simply bored," Rudra replied.

For his 18 years, Rudra was already very handsome. He was as tall as Anbir with a well-toned body, and chiselled features. Like his brother, he was a trained warrior, and still undergoing education in everything, fit for a prince.

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