Chapter 6 - The ball

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"He's not going to be pleased." Malcolm cast a look over the aftermath of their chaos - a splatter of papers and scrolls.

Four knocked out Shambala guards were slumped at the entrance. He exhaled deeply, "This was a mistake."

"Perhaps we are in the wrong room ?" Gopi said.

"This is the royal archives room and as per my Information this is where the suitors' challenge had been put," Malcolm said.

"The prince is not going to be happy," Malcolm said moodily.

"You're being melodramatic." Gopi a commander, was far more at ease.

"I don't understand why does the prince needs the challenges in advance. He is competent enough to win anyway." Gopi continued.

"Careful! Any word against the prince would be treason." Malcolm had a stern expression.

Gopi rolled his eyes. He was apprehensive about their whole stealing the challenge mission right from the beginning. Anbir had got tipped off by some internal source from Shambala that the blueprint of the challenges was stored in the archives.

Hence he sent his minions to get them. The royal ball was the right opportunity for that. Everyone was busy in the Ballroom and they had a perfect opportunity to nick the challenges. However, someone probably tricked him. There was nothing in the archives and now they had to clean up the mess.


Revati looked at herself in the mirror while a maid brushed her hair until it shone like spun gold. She was wearing a ball gown in demure peach which enhanced her rosy cheeks.

"I can't breath!" Toshani cribbed making Revati turn her head towards her.

Maria was tightening the chords of her corset while Toshani struggled.

"My lady if your stay still for a minute it would not be so hard," Maria said.

"I don't want to wear this. Why can't I wear my normal breeches and tunic?" 

"Your mother will have a fit if you enter the ball dressed like that! " Maria said.

Revati smiled at her younger sister who was pretending to have a fainting spell.

Revati walked towards the window and looked out. This part of the castle overlooked the city main street. She had seen almost all princes arrive with their entourage. She had not seen their faces but she knew their countries by their flags and banners.

15 nations vying for her. She wasn't sure if she was even worth it!


"A rather disappointing showing, don't you think?" Prince Rajendra was saying, as he returned with two goblets in hand, giving one to Toshani. 

"Mother doesn't know right?" She whispered.

"Don't worry cousin, I have taken care" Rajendra grinned.

Although Toshani was of age to drink. However, her mother the queen frowned If she caught Toshani sipping alcohol.

According to her Toshani was already a handful without adding the alcohol effect.

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