Vampire Name

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Have you ever played the stripper name game, where your stripper name is a combination of the name of your first pet and the name of the first street you lived on? Well, now you can also come up with your own vampire name, but using a more modern type of system.

When given a two-word vampire name, the name typically comes from an ancient word that comes from the earth, such as Willow or Opal, or from an evil force like Bane or Blight. Common vampire names from modern vampire stories include Dracula, but also variations of the name, such as Draco or Draconian. There are vampire names that are inspired by Victorian Gothic style, such as Louis de Pointe du Lac, Lestat de Lioncourt, and Claudia, as used in the Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice.

Another vampire Gothic name since 1872 is Carmilla, which is the vampire and the title of the novella by the Irish Gothic author Joseph Thomas Sheridan Le Fanu. Carmilla has resurfaced. In Salem's Lot by Stephen King the two main vampires are Kurt Barlow and Richard Straker, which are fairly common names in a modern day sense. Other common vampire names from modern times are normal everyday names, such as Edward Cullen from the Twilight Saga or Bill Compton of the Sookie Stackhouse Series and True Blood. However, these are far from the norm or the only types of vampire names.

From Gothic to Steampunk to urban dwelling vampire types, there is everything from sirs and scourges to your everyday names taken from Biblical names. Just as with human names, vampire names can run the gamut. The goal is to decipher the most applicable name for your vampiric personality. Here is where a vampire name generator, popular among fiction writers and RPG players, will serve you soundly.

Whether you are searching for the perfect vampire name to use for an evening of vampire inspired antics, or are simply curious to what your vampire name might be, a vampire name generator is a novel and free online program to play around with just to inspire you or for straight nomenclature.

You can always use your favorite vampire names from classic vampire tales or modern television shows to inspire a vampire name for yourself. Ultimately, if you are planning on becoming a vampire in the future, it is a good idea to go ahead and get a title for yourself.

Find several free name generator websites that will give you a randomly selected vampire name, typically depending on your birth name. Simply add your first and last name, along with your gender, and you will be given your vampire name. If you do not like your vampire name, no worries.

Click the generator button again, and again and again, until you see a name that suits you. The names used in this type of program are typically based on fictional vampire characters. These are vampire names from movies and television often taken from literature, as well as the authors of popular vampire books.

The original place to go to generate a vampire name on the internet was at This website was the original place to get a vampire name online in the early 00's and is now located in .

The service is still active as a newly named website: Note that you have to use the exact website address to get to the vampire name generator. If you go straight to you will not get a vampire option in the side category. Therefore you have to be sly like a vampire might be in getting these names.

However you get to the site, it provides the same service. Get a list of randomly generated vampire names, personalized character descriptions, and gendered vampire names. In addition, you get the option between gypsy vampire names and classic vampire names.

Previously, instead of simply getting a first and last vampire name, you receive a wealth of information. Discover your alter vampire identity, which is usually a princess, goddess, or god, such as the goddess of the ghastly, or a title such as Magdalene Crower. You are also provided with your secondary title, such as the Scourge of the Vile or Thief of the Beltane Feasts, which is a title that would be used by humans who are referring to you as a vampire.

The Vampire Name Generator formerly by Emma Davies also provides you with a definition of your vampiric personality. For instance, you may be described as "vile, foul, filthy and greedy: this creature knows nothing of light," or "one of ritual and pleasure - presiding over the gluttonous feasts of the wickedest night of the year."

In a recent search, the name generator randomly selected these vampire names:

Lord Ivan Rasputin

King Regent Ivan Alexandrov

Father Viktor Haas

Prince Regent Valentin Lang

Duke Felix Yelagin

Prince Hans Yesikov

Lord Klaus Poe

Sir Lucifer Pfeiffer

Margrave Werner Yesikov

Archduke Luka Ogarkov

Now take a look at the list of names generated specifically with the selections for female and classic vampire names:

Marius Nash

Hanzi Ruthven

Ahab January

Rob Archer

Uriel Moor

Uther West

Endymion Black

Camuel Whitlock

Galahad Byron

Beno Maundrell

Here is the character description sample for a search of a character description using my vampire name, Velvet Eirisse:

Sir Miroslav Rudin

Also known in some parts of the world as:

Gawain of Prague

The Great Archives record:

He is a child of the Moon Goddess - cold, determined, but of the light in the night!

The website took a different take on vampire name generation. That site is no longer active. In previous times, you could insert your first and last name to receive a computer generated name that is taken from classic, as well as current, vampire stories, such as Carmilla, Dracula, Interview with the Vampire, and the Twilight saga.

You could also read through an alphabetical list of vampire names separated by male and female, but you would only receive a first name in this way. However, it was interesting to read all of the typical vampire names if you were searching for the most suitable vampire name for yourself.

One other place you can go to generate a vampire name automatically via the web is Fantasy Name Generators at The site is offering to generate 10 names at a time, while planting trees for your searching services. Choose your vampire name based on human gender: male versus female.

A recent search for male vampire names generated:











Female vampire names the web generator come up with:











This is a more generic and ready-wear vampire name for pop culture fans or the modern day vampire storyteller. If you want something more Buffy and less Draconian, this is a name generating gold mine.

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