Energy Vampire

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You may have heard of energy vampires in your home that suck the power from your electrical supply even when the power is turned off on appliances. These kinds of vampires may cost you a lot of money on your monthly power bill, but did you know there are other kinds of energy vampires? Some people are energy vampires, who gain energy from you by sucking it out of your soul. They will leave you emotionally and psychically drained if you allow them to attack you. However there are ways to stop these vampires from stealing your spirit.

How do you know that you are being taken advantage of by an energy vampire? First of all, you will feel unhappy and have a negative attitude for no apparent reason when in their presence. This is because the psychic vampire is draining you of your positive energy, leaving a void filled by negative energy.

Another sign of an energy vampire is an emotional vampire who is overly dramatic about every little thing. Do you know someone whom is referred to as a drama queen? You may want to reconsider your friendship! If you know someone who is overtly nosy about your personal life and whom has no respect for your privacy, they might be an energy vampire.

Also, people have a bad attitude and are always complaining about life in general may be an energy sucker. These people are not your best supporters, and will prefer to criticize you than pay you a compliment. They will ignore you for the betterment of their own needs. If you know anyone who can be described by these statements, you want to be able to protect yourself as they are most likely an energy vampire.

Energy vampires can sense your positive energy and are able to attract it psychically. These people may or may not be fully aware of what they are doing. However, they are compelled to look for people who are weak yet positive about life so that they can feed off of their happiness. Whenever possible, energy vampires create scenarios that allow themselves to become in control of the situation, either by pretending to be the victim or by being overly aggressive.

No matter what they have to do to obtain the positive energy from others, they will do it. This is because they are fearful of becoming psychically weakened, and perhaps because they are addicted to the feeling of power that comes with absorbing another's energy.

So how do you protect yourself from allowing energy vampires to take your energy? Put a cap on the amount of social time you spend with people whom you think are energy vampires. This will limit their ability to steal your happy thoughts.

Limit your conversations to only a few minutes, and learn how to be firm when ending a conversation with them. Enough is enough! Keep your cool during the conversation with the psychic vampire so that they are less likely to get your negative energy aroused. Do not fall into the trap of becoming too cozy with an energy vampire, emotionally or physically. The more detached you are, the less likely they are able to drain your energy.

For instance, you want to maintain as little direct eye contact as possible. You should always keep a moving distance between yourself and this type of person, especially during conversation. Do not get too close physically to an energy vampire, such as by riding in a vehicle. Never let them suck you in to their psychic aura. As the conversation continues, the energy vampire will most definitely moan about their life's problems. Ignore this ploy and do not attempt to offer advice or consolation. Remember that their problems are only lures that are used to attract your energy and spirit. 

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