he's back....but why

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➖before we start I'm just going to say Virgil and paranoia are not the same person paranoia is Virgil real dad➖

Virgil: w-what is he doing here dad mom?!?

Logan:who is he

Roman:he is a bad person Logan just go back upstairs please


Decite: paranoia what are you doing here

Paranoia:can I see my son and you decite?

Patton: What is going on?

Virgil: mom I'm scared

Decite: baby just go upstairs with Logan please

Virgil: b-b-but mom!

Roman: vee honey just listen to your mother

Paranoia: yes vee honey just listen to your mother

Remus: pat let's take vee upstairs  with Logan

Patton: yea good idea come on bee

-they went upstairs to find Logan waiting for them-


Logan: yes dad?

Patton:keep Virgil upstairs please

Logan:i will come on virgil let's watch a movie

Virgil:o-ok lo

-paranoia walks upstairs-

Decite:Stay away from them

Paranoia:So it's a they now huh

Roman:just keep your hands off of him

Paranoia:yea no I think not

➖what will happen next only time will tell➖

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