A short-ish random flashback

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-there will probably be quite a few of these scattered around the story-

D:yes sweetie
V:d-d-dad did something to me
D:what did he do?
V:he r-raped me and told me not to tell you or next time it would be worse
D:omg are you ok!?!?
V:n-no n-n-not really
D:Ok I'm going to talk to him
V:Ok mommy love you
D:love you to

30 minutes  later
D:*yelling at para*
Their screaming gets louder
Para:*hits D*
P:*knocks on door and here's yelling*
V:*opens door*h-hi uncle pat
P:is he ok?
V:i-i don't know
End of flashback

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