2-Under the clouds

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Sapnap's POV
I go to sleep, with my cowboy hat on, I hope in New York I can get a girlfriend.
New York may not be as romantic as France, but it is still romantic, I hope to meet my future wife in a very romantic park at 6pm, watching the sunset.
I mean, then I can finally stop third wheeling. I noticed the tim was 7pm, and I started streaming until I fell asleep on my keyboard. The next morning I woke up at 5am, and noticed 5 missed calls from Dream.

Dream: Sap



Dream:Help me plan this plz

Dream: ----------------------------------


Sapnap: O, oki

I took my backpack, since I don't know Winter New York weather, I assume its JUST like Texas.
I go on the plane, and wait.
I see the clouds, right above us.
For some reason Fundy crosses my mind, I don't know why, but I want to feel his ears and tail, and his sorta fluffy brown hair.
But what am I thinking? That sounds gay?
I am straight and I want a women.
I'm excited to see Dream's face, and help him with the plan. I'm acually excited to meet most people, exept Tommy. I don't know why i'm also excited to meet Fundy, but meh.
I listen to Sketchers, Shawtys, and WAP, ofcourse with earbuds on.
Maybe I should go up to a girl and say,
'Ill give you my gucci shoes if you shoe me your boobs,' then for sure i'll get a lady.
A karen sits next to me, and asks me to move so her husband, bill cam sit there, though there is an empty seat next to her.
I move my seat and end up sitting at the edge into the allyway.
I put my cowboy hat on, so I don't lose it.
As the plane goes farther from Texas and more into New York, snow is spotted. A ton of snow falls. Atleast I have a light jacket coat, haha.
When I arrive, I walk towards where central park would be, I have my light jacket andmy cowboy hat on, as snow falls. It isn't that cold to be honest.
I see a guy with a big fluffy coat on, they are short, and with flat brown hair.
"GEORGEEEEEE," I yell to George.
"Oh, hey Sapnap," He smiles to me.
"Dream not here yet?" I ask.
"He is waiting for all of us, then we are going to his place to hang out and spend the night!" George explains.
Wilbur and Niki come together, and so does Skeppy and Bad.
TommyInnit comes and acts like a child, which he is.
Tubbo comes and Tommy admittiatly clings onto him.
,and then, Fundy arrives.
He is wearing a hoodie.
"Lost it!" He says, awkwardly.
Then Dream hops down from a tree, like the Florida man he is.
And we saw his face.
I saw him grip onto George's hand.
From the corner of my eye I saw them exchange kisses.
What lovebirds.

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