Chapter 23- Harmony 🌀

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Pic of Shane but feel free to change the face not the hair

"How the hell did this happen", I yelled at my Beta who was supposed to be watching my mate. His Luna.

" I don't know, Lanie asked for some butter. We were all out so I went to get some,when I came back the house was covered in .. Whatever this is ", he said pointing at the house and the large tub of butter set on the grass.

" Get the pack elders, I want answers now. And the rest of you,try and break whatever that thing is ". I ordered the surrounding pack members.

A choruses of Yes Alpha's were heard before the pack members got to work.

" Alpha , there seems to be a problem", my Gamma said. He them pointed at the weird dome thing. I watched as the dome grew in size and strength after every hit.

The pack members backed away from the dome as the elders approached.

"Ryky we got here as soon a we heard what happened", The elders, aka my moms said hugging me.

(A/N mom=Savannah and mother=Eliza)

I growled  as I heard another strangled cry from Mel. It hurt me that I couldn't help her and only goddess knows what was happening in there.

" Calm down son,at least Gabrielle is in there with her", my mom,Savannah tried to soothe .

"Can you tell us what's going on", I asked hope evident in my voice.

" Is that, crystal m..m..magic", my mom stammered as she looks at the transparent dome. It was an obré of blue,pink, light green,violet and orange with small red crack within them. I would have appreciated it's beauty if it hadn't imprisoned my mate.

" I thought it was only a myth. How is this even possible ?" ,my mother, Eliza whispered in awe.

"So what should we do", I asked.

" According to what I've read this sort of spell only wares off if the dome senses someone the caster trusts . Try stepping closer to the dome ", my mother encouraged.

I stepped closer to the dome but it only thinned out a bit but it was still present.

" Hmm, she trusts you but that means..", my mom said thing to figure something out.

"You're not the only one meant to break it", my mother finished for her. 

I looked at her in confusion as another howl came form the inside.

" Who else does she trust as much as you? ", she continued.

Think Ryker,think.
" I know you might not like this but did you consider Blue", Lyca said.

"It hurts me to say this but I think I know who else she trusts as much as me", I groan in annoyance.

" Blue, I need your help", I said turning to the whistling bluenette.

"I knew you'll warm up to me", he smirked. This is why I can't get along with him.

As we neared the dome it continued to thin out but it didn't disintegrate like we thought it would.

" Try holding hands boys", my mom said. Does she hate me or something.

"Let's get this over with", I whispered as we both awkwardly clasped our hand together.

A hole our size formed in the dome. It was big enough for the both of us to squeeze through.

A howl of pain and joy was headed forcing us to get through the damn rip faster. I watches as it sealed behind us .

" Mel!!", I shouted as I got inside.

"Up here ", Gabby's voice called.

As we got closer Lyca tried to take over and shift for some reason.
" Please human shift. It would help you protect yourself "

I didn't get why but my prick of a wolf was unfortunately never wrong.

We approached cautiously. The stairs creaking slightly below our weight.

Shane opened the door the sound alerting a certain reddish wolf causing her to growl at us.

"Be careful, she won't let anyone come closer", Gabby whispered befor excusing herself.

I took a step closer causing her to growl at as. I looked behind her and saw five figures. Pups to be exact one smaller than the rest.

Wait pups!!! My pups . My mate gave birth and I wasn't here. Shane gave me a knowing look.
" Let me handle this human".

Chàri looked like a feral creature. Her eyes were completely white,her fangs and claws sharper than normal. To say I was scared was an understatement.

She growled louder this time but stopped when she heard a small whine behind her. We watched as she settled on the floor, her eyes never leaving ours. She moved closer to the pups as she nudged them towards where she would feed them.

They suckled greedily as she occasionally liked their fur,staring at them adoringly .Like all pups they had gray fur. I watched as one pup dodged Chàri's paw and came towards me.

I licked it's head lovingly before rolling over, a sign of submission in this case. Chàri watched me cautiously ready to defend her pup if anything.


I lay near Chàri and the pups after a few hours of playing with them. She was a little bit trusting but was still cautious. At least she was no longer rabid.

A knock broke the silence of our room. "I got a little something for my queen". Shane said setting a few dead rabbits in front of her as she ate it in content.

Sure we had a runt , which was uncommon for an Alpha couple but I didn't care at this point. I watched Chàri drift off as I stood on guard.

Yay double update.

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