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《{~Same deal as part 5 with the pic~}》

        *****POV 3RD***** 
          Virgil isn't what one would call popular. In all ways he was an outcast. He had his headphones in all the time, and he kept his hood up. There were few people he ever talked to. Most of them were just acquaintances asking for help in a class.
       Virgil had two friends. Janus and Remus. Janus was the president of the theater club. Janus has vitiligo. Janus was very theatrical and deceptive. He was always well dressed, usually wearing something yellow. Remus had once described his boyfriend as looking downright edible in yellow, ever since then that was what Janus wore most.
     Remus was different that most people. He loved gore and all things in appropriate. He struggled with intrusive thoughts. Most may see him as disgusting and crude, but Virgil and Janus knew the other side of him. Remus was really sweet. He would help Virgil with panic attacks, make them breakfast, and run lines with Janus no matter how long it took.
       Roman was Remus' brother. He was in theater with Janus. He may have been able to hang out with them sometimes, if it wasn't for 1 grueling difference. He was captain of the football team. The football teams best player couldn't be seen associating with such freaks.
      Every time the football team saw one of the trio in the hall, they made it their job to ruin their day. Roman didn't want to of course, but if he didn't he'd be kicked off the football team.
      Roman had a secret now one knew. He was madly in love with Virgil. With prom fast approaching, he was gathering all his confidence to ask him.
        *****POV Virgil*****
     I was on my way to art class when I saw the head asshole coming my way. We used to all be friends, the four of us. But as soon as he joined the football team he changed.
     "Hi Virgil." He waved at me. I looked at him with disgust. What could this bitch want now.
     "Piss off Princey." I tried to walk away but he grabbed my hand.
   "Please, I just want to talk. We used to be such good friends." He pleaded.
    I laughed. "Yeah we did. Till YOU changed. Now your just some asshole on the football team." I sneered.
    "I'm sorry, I know I'm an asshole, and I knew what I was doing was wrong. You have every right to be mad at me." He sounded sad and disappointed in himself. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't surprised.
    I looked him up and down before asking, "What do you want?" 
                     "Iwaswonderingifmaybryouwouldliketogotopromwithme?" He mumbled really quickly. His face was beat red.
   "Huh?" I asked confused. His face got darker.
    "Will you-"
    "Hey Cap what are you doing with this loser?" Alec, the star quarter back, interupeted. Alec was tall, he had broad shoulders, and messy dark hair. I've had a crush on him for as long as I can remember.
    Roman looked panicked. He was about to say something when one of the team members said, "Where do these freaks get off thinking they can be around you." The whole team proceeded to berate me with insults as Roman just stood there with his head down.

****I don't know where else to take the story so I'll end it here.****

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