9th Doctor // Mind over Matter

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yes we're doing the 9th Doctor because he's as valid as the others, Christopher Eccleston appreciation only  ( ˘ ͜ʖ ˘) 


If you were asked what the best decision you have ever made was, you would, without a doubt, introduce them to the Doctor. Deciding to travel with him after he saved you from almost getting killed when you first met just seem to get better and better. Obviously not any less dangerous, but definitely better. Ever since you travelled, though, you've been spending less time trying to get through each adventure and more time thinking up witty puns and flirty jokes for him. 

It all started when he accidentally brushed his hand against your thigh, almost under your skirt, whilst running from a monster. He was obviously trying to grab your hand, but the gesture didn't go missed. You eyed him up, but his eyes were trained ahead of him- determined to get you safe.

You had no idea what planet you were on at the time. The creature practically assaulted you as soon as you left the Tardis, and somehow cornered you further and further from the blue box. The Doctor- who was waiting for you to slip back into the Tardis and tell you where you were, poked his head out the door expectantly. When he saw you getting mauled at by this black shape, slobbering all over the place, he rushed to your aid. He wormed you out of it's grasp and shouted that you run. You should've probably asked what was going on, but the doctor was far too out of breath to explain right now. All you knew was run, but you had to stop for breath. 

After losing the monster, you leant up against a purple boulder, clutching your ribs. Even though you had barely enough oxygen flooding to your brain and were still shaken from that monster's attack, you managed a cheeky smile for the Doctor.

"Doctor, better watch your hands. You wish you could have this." 

The man laughed and patted your back, "please, Y/n, you can't even catch me." Then he ran in the direction of the Tardis. You laughed loudly, sucking up a big final gasp of air, before following him. You were both followed by a black...mass that snarled and growled, and you knew this wasn't Earth, so whatever that thing was, it had to be alien.

Once you had reached the Tardis, her doors flung open and you launched yourself inside, looking at the Doctor in disbelief. "You said we were in Ancient Greece! I was prepared to get well tanned, and instead I almost got eaten!" You yelled, almost angry at the doctor...almost.

All he had to do is flash you his apologetic grin and shining eyes, and you just burst into giggles.

Anyway, now, so many months after, your flirt-fest had escalated and all you seemed to do was laugh and joke with him. You couldn't even imagine what a somber moment was anymore. Even when the two of you were in danger, he always lifted your spirits and made you feel safe, made you even laugh sometimes. 

Right now, though, you were wandering around the console of the Tardis, letting her hum away, watching the Doctor look very serious. He hadn't even talked to you properly yet, just nodded his head or gave a little 'mhm'. It was very suspicious.

"You okay, Doc?"

"Yup." He popped the 'p' and sounded perfectly fine, but didn't take his hard stare off the console. 

"Are you sure? You don't look so handsome when you're serious."

He scoffed slightly and just shook his head. "Don't."

Now, you were seriously concerned. He never said anything like that- unless he was upset with you. That was the difference between the two of you- you would yell, but he was always deadly quiet.

"What's..." you couldn't think of what to say in the thick silence. "What's the matter?"

"Nothing, why?" The Doctor actually faced you then and you knew he was lying. He couldn't lie to you. 

"Now you stop it. Have I done something?" You couldn't think of anything you had done to hurt him, you had just woken up the the Tardis' room for you, and sat around the control room all morning. 

"No, I'm okay, really. Do you want to go somewhere? I'll go anywhere you want today."

"I knew it wasn't me, you love me too much." You longed for him to smile, laugh, do something, but the jokey comment seemed to make him worse. 

"Please. Don't." He repeated and look you dead in the eyes. 

"What, I can't joke around now?" You laughed a little.

"But are you joking?" He wiped his hands over his face and groaned, like even those words caused him pain. He stared at you with honest eyes and you couldn't seem to tear your gaze away. 

"I- Doctor what's got into you?"

"I just- I've had...stirrings."

You gave him a deadpan stare, "stirrings?"

"Well, my hearts do this thing, sometimes, when I see you." He smiled awkwardly, he hadn't even figured this feeling out for himself, so how was he supposed to tell you what he felt? Impossibly, he started to get more complicated. "But they didn't used to!- and I can't tell...why?"

"Well, I haven't done anything bad- I mean they aren't bad 'stirrings' are they?" You laughed a little, trying to relieve the awkward tension. It had just occurred to you, that you and the Doctor had never really talked about feelings before.

"God, no, I feel like I'm on cloud 9 whenever you look at me funny." He grinned, but his smile vanished as quickly as it appeared, almost like he couldn't believe he told you that. "Um. Sorry."

"No, it's good." You swung your hands behind your back, wandering closer to the Doctor. "So, what do you want to do about it?"

"Well, probably nothing- I mean you're my companion, it could never work-" But he was cut off by your lips on his. His eyes widened and he couldn't think of anything to do- the Doctor's mind was scrambled. 

"Look at that," you fell back with a giggle, "got the great timelord speechless all of a sudden." 

"I, uh, I- Y/n!" He laughed, closing the small gap between the two of you. His breath fanned your face and you smiled up at him. Once again, your lips were on the Doctor's, except he leaned in this time and you, unlike the Doctor, reacted instantly. It was so natural to feel him there, you bodies pressed against each others. Your hand had worked it's way into his and he smiled through the kiss. 

Breaking away, you laughed, feeling your tingling lips. "Do you get stirrings now?"

"Oh, you have no idea." He grinned. "Now, Y/n, the light of my life, where do you want to go?" He jumped into action, seemingly given a new lease of life since he found out you returned his burning feelings. Secretly, you always had, but never suspected a man who could have anyone he wanted to return them. Lucky you.

You propped your elbows on the console, grinning from ear to ear, your face blushing madly. "Anywhere with you Doctor."



if you got that potc reference ur a legend,, also this song slowed hits different tbh,, anyway have a good one :) (also yeah ik the ending is cringe but oop)

Dr Who? OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora