Comforting you preference (9, 10, 11):

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𝐧𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟗...

-you start to feel really homesick and at first he doesn't realise.
-but, you're acting quieter than usual and he sees you start to get overwhelmed and start crying softly.
-he instantly goes to hug you and wraps his arms around you in a really protective way, burying your head in his chest.
- he doesn't even ask what it is, he just lets you cry into his chest.
-when you've calmed down he asks what's wrong.
-after you explain you're homesick he gives you a half smile and quietly offers to take you home.
-he's confused as to why you're so worried and missing home, but doesn't ask.
-he tries to make you laugh and smile after you've cried.
-he works the console on the Tardis with one arm because the other is still wrapped around you.
-when you leave, he waves you off, making sure you're safe and okay, and promises to stay put while he waits for you.

𝐧𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎...

-you just had an argument and got all worked up, you couldn't hold back your tears.
-at first he can't believe it, and just watches you blankly not really knowing what to do.
-when you say "I can't believe I was so stupid!" he jumps into action, holding your arms and shhing you softly.
-"you could never be stupid, I'm so sorry."
-he takes your face in his hands and presses his lips onto your forehead.
-you stay there for a while, his head resting on yours, his arms wrapped around your shoulders.
-when you've finished crying, the doctor strokes your hair and keeps mumbling about how important you are.
-when you start smiling, he grins and gives you one last kiss on the forehead, before jumping to the console.
-"where do you want to go? Absolutely anywhere! Just for you!"

𝐧𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏...

- you just cut your hand and the pain makes your eyes water and you can't help but cry.
- he starts to panic and runs around the console room begging the Tardis to do something.
- "right, um, uh, don't panic Y/n! We'll get help!"
- you protest to say you're fine, it just hurts a lot, but he won't listen.
- he directs the Tardis and lands her.
- without telling you where or when he is, the Doctor just scoops you up in his arms bridal style and bursts through the doors.
- he has parked the Tardis in the carpark of your local hospital, and you start to tell him to "put me down, you silly old man!" but he runs even faster when you gasp in pain.
- as you clutch at his suit, he doesn't care that you're getting blood on his clothes.
- he runs in the hospital like a madman and yells for help, you're still in his arms like a child.
- nurses are frantically trying to work out what's happened and when they find out, they roll their eyes.
- someone takes you out of his arms to bandage your hand.
- the Doctor follows you and kisses it 'better' when you're done.
- "you're such a drama queen."
- "well, what would I do without my precious Y/n, ey?"

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