The New World

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It is done, the icon of sin is dead, the world is in debt once again for the leader of the knight sentinels more famously known as the doomslayer, hell walker or space marine.
He has pushed them back to their realm and are once again shivering because of his existence.
Now the doomslayer is making his way back to his fortress to inspect the earth's progress towards rebuilding and regaining what is lost.

3rd pov:

Doomslayer:(Thoughts) finally got rid of that big hunk of flesh now I need to get back to my fortress. Vega open a portal back to the fortress.

(Vega can read the doomslayer's thoughts)

Vega: understood slayer

A blue circular portal opens before the Doomslayer, and he enters in an instant being in the fortress orbiting the earth observing the people on earth.
The slayer goes to the command module and checks the news.

Reporter: The demonic invasion has been stopped reports say that that there are a few lurking on the planet but thankfully not a real threat to anyone but be careful everyone they may be few but they are still demons.

The doomslayer couldn't care to kill the last remaining demons as they were a waste of time so instead, the doomslayer thought about the source and how would he be able to get rid of it, and how FUN it will be killing all those demons.

So the doomslayer thinks over where to go for his unholy crusade his thoughts go to argent d'nur and how maybe destroying the energy source might end this once and for all.

Doomslayer: vega argent d'nur now.

Vega: understood

The portal opens and the hell walker steps through to find himself in the all too familiar red, fiery wasteland riddled with demons corpses.
The argent tower in the distance with beaming energy and then he knows his target.

He runs towards the tower killing every demon insight the ones who didn't run were crushed, burnt, ripped apart, stomped on and blasted to chunks of flesh (I'll spare you the details if you want to see the killing go play doom eternal or go watch a video about it), after all the ripping and tearing he arrived at the tower.

He enters the tower walking aimlessly until he finds the generators to set them on overdrive so they get blown up, but as he opens the next door he finds priests (other than the ones he already killed) opening a portal seemingly to a watery planet or dimension the doomslayer isn't quite sure but he does see some demons run from him into the portal and some fight him, of course, the ones who fight him die quickly then all that's left are the ones who passed through.

Doomslayer:(thoughts) vega where does this lead?

Vega: The location is unknown slayer
This has a high chance that it sends you to another dimension are you sure you want to pass through the portal I may or may not be able to get us back.

Doomslayer:(thoughts) yes.

Vega: very well.

The doomslayer passes through the portal to find himself on some kind of water floor although he can't walk on water but in this dimension he can?
But it's all good anyway.
Then he looks up to find in front of him the 2 stray demons so he grabs them both one in each hand lifts them and applies pressure on their necks naturally their necks explode due to the pressure.
When their body's drop he looks in front of him, girls? With what appears to be main batteries of battleships some others have landing strips some have torpedo tubes next to them

Doomslayer pov:

They seem to have been fighting although it's only two 9 tail fixed girls? Against what appears to be a formidable number yet they look beat up.

And they are all looking at the doomslayer, obviously after what the doomslayer just did he saw fear in their eyes, but that's not what mattered was the following:
1-who are these girls ships whatever they are.
2-where am I?
3-why are they fighting?
4-where does a girl have 9 foxtails?
5-are there demons to kill?

But before vega could ask the following questions to these girls
One of them specifically one of the fox girls said:

?: Nice distraction Azur lane but that won't stop us from doing what we came here to do now let me show you what the 1st carrier division can do.

The fox girl then proceeds to apparently through some kind of red cross that turned into a plane?
Wait, what?! How can that be?
Oh well since I am a 'distraction' then let me show them how much of a distraction I am.

Hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I did hope you guys have a great day I'll try to upload as soon as I can maybe even daily but until the next chapter peace!

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