First Date (1/4)

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✨Yuga Aoyama✨

Aoyama is diffently a romantic type. He gave you a time to be ready seven thirty, you picked out an outfit for the date. You had on your favorite outfit. You looked so good, I'm talking a real piece of heaven given to the earth. You checked your phone for the time and noted that he was going to arrive in fifteen minutes, your heart was racing as your face dusted a pink color. You where so overjoyed yet anxious about this event. This was your first date, anything could happen. Your thoughts where interrupted by a knock at your door, you checked your phone once more and saw that it was seven thirty. You took a deep breath to calm your nerves as you walked towards the door and opened it, turning off your phone with your free hand. Aoyama greeted you with a charming smile and held out his hand "Shall we go?" He asked.
You took his hand and smiled back, "Of course!" You said as your heart started to flutter and butterflies appearing in your stomach.

Aoyama took you to the park with a picnic prepared, the sunset painting the sky in beautiful colors with the moon also in view. He made some French cuisine, as well as some classic snacks. You loved trying out the dishes he had from his home country. You both spent the night with a beautiful view of the stars and holding each other.

👽Mina Ashido👽

Mina was so excited to have a date with you. You both sat down at a coffee shop as you both planned it out. The two of you made sure that the time was suitable for both of you, agreed on a place to go, and even what time to go home. Honestly you could say your actual first date was planning it the 'first date'. You both went to an imsument park and had a blast.

💚Tsuyu Asui💚

Asui had a perfect place in mind and decided to make it a surprise. When she came to pick you up her face was a little red due to how cute you looked.
"Hold my hand, okay?" She said holding her hand out, you gladly took it as she lead you to a large pound.
"This was one of my favorite places to go when I was a tadpole, kittle!" Asui said smiling softly. You thought that it was beautiful, you both started playing around the pound and played with some of the frogs. You both loved each other's company and by the end of it were covered in mud.

💫Tenya Iida💫

Iida planned this day for weeks, he wanted everything to be perfect. He even looked up date ideas and took notes. He had a list of steps to fill out. He told you that he'll pick you up around six o clock so that way you both had time to get ready and finish homework. You thought it was so cute how much consideration he put into this. You put on the outfit that you thought would be fantastic for this occasion, it fit just perfectly! You loved it so much that you hugged yourself smiling. The knock at your door l made you jump with joy. You opened it up and there was Iida wearing semi formal attire and holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers. His face was pink as he handed you the bouquet, you smiled and hugged him. He hugged you back with a smile on his face,
"We should get going." He stated holding your hand to his parents car.
His parents dropped you off at the movie theater, he bought you the popcorn, and drinks even though you tried to pay for your own things. You both enjoyed the movie he picked out. He also walked you to the nearby park for a walk together untill his parents came to pick you up.

A/N: Sorry but I have to split this up into three different parts beacuse of writer's block. Please forgive me

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