Daddy daycare

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Ian's pov:
Today Nina had to go to work. It was her first time leaving Damon. She wasn't happy about it but she knew Damon was safe with me. When she left I sat and played with Damon for a bit. I got his dinner ready after that and sat him in the high chair and fed him. 'Choo choo opens up for the train ?' I say so Damon. Wow it feels weird calling my son the name of a man I once played. I am wearing my new watch and I love it. Nina had good taste. Damon ate all of his food so I changed his nappy. But as soon as I took the nappy of he peed of me. I quickly put the nappy back on him to let him finish. 'Ew!' I say while gagging. Damon laughs. 'You think that's funny do you ?'I ask him before he grabs my ears and started patting my cheeks.

Hey guys I got writers block on this one so it is just a short chapter. I'm sorry. I know what I'm doing for my next chapter so I'll try and get it done soon!

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