Chapter 1

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•hi guys this is my second fanfic but I deleted my first one bc I didn't feel like it was good, so here I am making a new one!! Hope you like it! ❤️•~K

Hi my name is Kyla Morgan Wilkerson and I'm a senior in high school...well I used to be since I graduated this year. So yeah here are a few things about me.

Fact # 1• I have long brown hair
Fact # 2• I am 5,3 {I know I'm pretty short to be a senior!!}
Fact # 3• I'm 18 yrs old but turning 19 very soon! In May actually!
And finally fact # 4• me and my friend Emily are going to Cali for the summer!!

So now that you know a pretty good bit about me let's gets going!!

Me and my best friend Emily are packing for our vacation together. "I can't wait for us to get to there!!" Emily says. "Me too, I can't believe we are actually going!" I said. You see my friend told me that she was going to Cali for the summer, and I was like we should totally go together because we are like besties!!! And we worked everything out and here we are packing for tomorrow, which is when are leaving to go there.

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