Chapter 3

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I wasn't expecting a boy that beautiful to tap my shoulder!! "Uh hello...hello!!" I heard. Oh no I was just staring at him. "Oh um hi!!" I said awkwardly. "Do you need a ride?" He said. "Um I don't even know you!?" I said. Emily was just standing there drooling. "Oh my name is Nash, nice to meet you!" He said reaching out for my hand. He then looked at Emily and said "hi I'm Nash." She snapped out of it and shook his hand. "Um but do you need a ride?" He asked again. "Oh uh sure yeah!" I said. He then led us to a limo and there was other boys too!! Omg I just wanted to stay like that forever. "Uh I didn't catch both of your names!?" Nash asked. "Oh I'm Kyla and this is my friend Emily." I said smiling. Emily just stared. "Uh well where do you too need to go?" He asked. "I'm we need to go the palm tree hotel." I said. *idk if that is real in Cali!!* "Omg that's where we are staying!!" He said while getting into the car. "Cool!!" I said.

Emily and I got in the limo and just sat there until this very cute boy with brown hair and brown eyes an the perfect tan said, "uh well my name is Cameron." "Oh um hi I'm Kyla and this is my friend Emily!" I said. Then the rest of the boys introduced themselves. But this Cameron guy kept staring at me. I was kinda creeped out but then again, I kinda liked it. ;)

We finally arrived at the hotel and Nash said, "you guys can share rooms with us if you want!" Wow this guy that Emily and I just met asked to stay in the same room with him and a bunch of other guys, of course I excepted they were hot!! "Uh sure!!" I said. Cameron was still looking at me.

We then decided on who was staying in the same rooms with each other I got roomed with Cameron and Emily got roomed with Nash. The rest of the guys decided on there own.

When Cameron and I got to out room it was really awkward.

"Uh since we are roomed together we should probably get to know each other." He said. "Umm okay...well my name is Kyla, oh wait you already knew th-." He cut me off by kissing me!! I tried to get out of his grasp but I couldn't. I kissed back! What I was I doing. I kinda let him kiss me for a good 40 sec then I punched him in the stomach.

•••what do y'all think will happen next??••• comment!!•••~K🎀

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