pheacker pt. 1

13 1 4

                    Philip's pov
I closed my eyes tightly, trying to rid myself of the anxiety swirling in my core. 'There's no backing out now, I started this, time to face it.' With an audible sigh I open my eyes to meet George's glare, his eyes holding an emotion I can't quite read. 

I let out a shakey breath, my voice following that same shakiness "Mr. ecker, how was the show" I mumble trying to hold off what's to come. Eventhough I'm the one who started the whole thing I'm still terrified. "Let's cut the peasantrys and do this already" he says in almost a growl, his gaze piercing into my soul.

I suck in a breath and nod, remaining eye contact "w-we'll start at the count of 10" I says, cursing myself for fumbling with my words. George nods. I take in a shaky breath and begin counting, my eyes closing once again as I do my best to calm myself. 'This was my idea so why am I so terrified?' I think to myself before I begin to count

"one.." I mumble out squeezing my eyes shut, trying to prepare for what's to come at 10. "Two" I can feel his eyes on me still and my hands begin to fidget. "three" 'why did I suggest this' I scream at myself, sure it sounded like a good idea at the time, but I had like 4 beers before hand! "F-four" I can hear George let out an impatient sight at how slowly I'm counting. "Five" no chance at backing out now "six" my voice is practically trembling "sev- AH" I let out I cry of pain, my eyes flying open as tears roll down my cheeks.

            Ima end it here just cuz I can there will be a part 2 tho, eventually

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